This is possibly the best deck I've made :P
Intended for MTGO, this deck is supposed to be a very affordable deck (30-40 TIX) that is well-rounded, fun to play, competitive, and aesthetically pleasing.
It's a mono-black midrange deck that is designed to be able to play offensively as well as defensively. You have creatures that are resilient against control, you have removal and draw spells, a hint of hand disruption, and also just a shit ton of face burn. What I like about the deck the most is the way it works with life totals; with all basic lands, there's almost nothing that taxes your own life, and yet so many of your cards weigh on your opponents life like crazy; messenger, verdict, dash hopes, Gray Merchant, all our haste creatures, and even sign in blood if you chose to use it as a burn spell!
Bloodsoaked champion is the weakest link, but it's there as our only one drop creature just in case we need to win fast. I really need more one drops!
Also, I'm torn between 2-drops:Kalastria Highborn- Good against removal. Good damage. Lifegain. Devotion.Scrapheap Scrounger- Great against removal. Good damage, but can't block.Gifted Aetherborn- Deathtouch protection. Lifegain. Devotion.
Let me know if you have any suggestions! I haven't playtested yet, so I'm expecting to fiddle around with the control spells, the amount of gray merchants, some of the weaker creatures etc. My budget is under 50 TIX.