
Crafting an Emet-Selch decklist to optimize and workshop over the next few months leading up to the Final Fantasy release. This isn't meant to be a fully cEDH deck, but striking the right power level balance to have good board interactions, win conditions and avoid feeling too slow and clunky. Still needs some working around the edges to get the tempo just right. I've intentionally left out cards like Ad Nauseam.

Temple Bell + Mind Over Matter provides one option to go infinite, or at the very least fill up your graveyard with cards for Hades, Sorcerer of Eld   to cast. You can then make use of Time Sieve for infinite turns with Slip Out the Back phasing Hades out to ensure it doesn't end up exiled. Next turn return him to play, pull out all the free artifacts from your graveyard and repeat. Ominous Seas out with the Temple Bell combo can also straight up let you generate a bunch of beefy hitters to do lethal or there's Capsize with buyback to return permanents to your opponent's hand each turn until there's nothing left on their side.

There's also Psychosis Crawler and Sheoldred, the Apocalypse to provide added win pieces to the Temple bell combo.

Additionally there's Power Artifact + Grim Monolith or Basalt Monolith to get infinite mana for Fascination. You can also make use of the Basalt to use Mesmeric Orb for infinite self-mill

Notion Thief pairs well with Windfall or Whispering Madness to control opponent's hands and get some more draw power out of it.

Spellseeker and other tutors can help reliably get Slip Out the Back into hand if you need a way to phase Hades out.


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94% Competitive

Date added 1 week
Last updated 4 days

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

16 - 0 Mythic Rares

45 - 0 Rares

25 - 0 Uncommons

8 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.28
Tokens Bird 2/2 U, Construct 0/0 C, Kraken 8/8 U, Scion of the Deep, Treasure
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