
Enchantment (4)

Artifact (3)

A Gate tribal deck attempting to take both common paths to victory for Gate decks and combine them into one via a transformative sideboard.

There are (2) primary strategies for Gate decks.

  1. Beatdown: Using Gatebreaker Ram and/or Gate Colossus to stomp our opponent
  2. Gates: Triggering Maze's End's alternate win-con.

I initially wanted to run both of these simultaneously to provide some win con variety while running a traditional sideboard. After a few builds I couldn't get it focused enough to work. So I decided to build two versions of the deck, one to focused solely on each strategy, with the intent of determining which strategy I should go with. After analyzing the different requirements and doing some testing, I realized that outside of the gate lands there were only (15) or so cards different between the builds. So I tweaked the gate spread to support both, formed a shell of (45) cards, then built a (15) card 'sideboard' for each strategy. Now this deck can run either strategy, and that choice can be changed on the fly using a transformative sideboard strategy.

These are the (45) cards that work with both strategies.

  • Circuitous Route: Excellent ramp for Gates.
  • Elvish Rejuvenator: Getting more lands onto the battlefield is key to either strategy.
  • Gates Ablaze: This is a great board wipe in this deck. For Gates, we need to keep our opponents board clean while we set up Maze's End. For Beatdown, Gatebreaker Ram cannot die to it and Gate Colossus rarely does while most of our opponents creatures do.
  • Growth Spiral: Playing an extra land while replacing itself.
  • Guild Summit: Card draw is always good, right?
  • Gates: We're running playsets for the colors we need most, and singles of the gates we need for Maze's End. While the singles don't help us in Beatdown, we don't have enough sideboard slots to swap out 5 lands.
So our plan is to have (45) cards that form the shell of the deck, and we put in the (15) cards that match the strategy we're going for each game. I've listed this deck with the Gate version as the base with Beatdown as sideboard, but you could switch those based on your preference. I like starting with Gates game 1 hoping our opponent will see we're going for a Maze win and sideboard against that. Meanwhile we side in all our beatdown stuff and take out Maze's End entirely so they're efforts are useless. Then if there's a game 3 we can choose the build that worked best. Here is the way I remember which cards to swap in/out:
  • 4xGate Colossus = 4xOpen the Gates
  • 4xGatebreaker Ram = 4xMaze's End
  • 3xGlaive of the Guildpact = 3xMina and Denn, Wildborn
  • 4xRhythm of the Wild = 3xArboreal Grazer & 1xGatecreeper Vine
  • This deck is inspired by both TheManaSource ( and SaffronOlive (


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    98% Casual


    Date added 5 years
    Last updated 3 years

    This deck is Pioneer legal.

    Rarity (main - side)

    4 - 0 Mythic Rares

    3 - 0 Rares

    12 - 15 Uncommons

    37 - 0 Commons

    Cards 60
    Avg. CMC 2.61
    Folders Pioneer Decks
    Ignored suggestions
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