The following parameters have been used to determine the strength of the deck. For each, a score of 5 (very good), 4 (good), 3 (mediocre), 2 (bad) or 1 (very bad) has been allocated; when totalized this score represents the power rating of the deck.
- Mana: indicates the availability of mana sources within the deck.
- Ramp: indicates the speed at which mana sources within the deck can be made available.
- Card Advantage: indicates availability of filter- and draw resources represented within the deck.
- Overall speed: indicates the deck’s potential for pace, based on resource availability and mana curve.
- Combo: indicates the measure of combo-orientation of the deck.
- Army: indicates the deck’s creature-army strength.
- Commander: indicates how much the deck is commander-oriented/dependent (less dependency is better).
- Interaction: indicates how much this deck can mess with opponents’ board states and turn-phases.
- Resilience: indicates the measure in which the deck can prevent and take punches.
- Spellpower: indicates the availability and strength of high-impact spells.
Mana: 5
Mizzix’s ability cheapens about two-thirds of this deck’s spells. However, as mentioned before, she’s also not difficult to erase (at least, temporarily). Therefore, some redundancy has been built in. This comes in the form of six other cheapeners, along with eleven sources for some additional mana (of which eight are rocks).
Ramp: 1
There’s no ramp in this deck.
Card Advantage: 5
To keep things moving along, this deck needs to have plenty of card-advantage avenues available. What’s great about Izzet, is its very decent spell-recursion options, which really helps a deck that wants to keep spell-slinging again and again. In all, six direct draw, three conditional draw, three (spell-)tutors, one filter and three (spell-)recursion options are featured.
Overall speed: 5
This deck needs to be fast, but not perse because it has to be quick on the offense. Actually, it just needs to be ready to react on time appropriately to stuff the playgroup’s doing. All the elements in here allow for this; lots of mana and draw combined with a low-overall mana curve.
Combo: 4
With the potential Mizzix can bring in terms of ‘free’ instant/sorcery mana, there’s some ground for a few funny infinite combos. This potential also translates to lots of synergy overall, which for instance is helped out loads by the deck’s many permanents/spells that can copy other spells.
Army: 2
Not exactly mind-boggling. None of the creatures in here have been added because of their combat-damage potential. A few options have been added to (temporarily) steal opposing forces, but it’s by no means focused on.
Commander: 3
There’s no denying it; without our esteemed commander around the player in charge of this deck is in a significant amount of trouble. Mizzix makes spells much, much cheaper to cast under the right circumstances, which is something this deck really tries to bank on. This is why as much redundancy has been built in to cheapen- and copy spells, without sacrificing its overall spell-casting capabilities.
Interaction: 5
Plenty of ways in here that influence opposing states. Most of it comes down to an excellent inventory of non-combat damage purveyors (nine cards), counterspells (five cards) and several strong bounce- and destructive spells.
Resilience: 5
The Izzet guild is filled with options to counter the opponents’ spells. To protect Mizzix and some other key permanents, seven of such spells have been added. In order to get rid of opposing permanents, thirteen removal options have been included as well (mostly against opposing creatures).
Spellpower: 5
If there’s one thing this deck does well, it’s casting high-yield spells around the place. Removal, damage-dealing, capture and counters; not to mention a great deal of opportunities to copy or even retrieve spells from the graveyard.
Total power score: 40
Though this deck only really shines when Mizzix is alive and kicking (casting), it can still be considered a very powerful deck that won’t let itself be screwed around with. There’s plenty of truly horrific damage- and combo-potential to be found and the controller of her spells can flick through most of the deck’s content quickly in order to find the best spells at the most opportune moments. All-in-all, a force to be reckoned with at all times.