played it at FNM tonight(2/22/13) -
went 3-2 overall. it definitely should have been 4-1 if not 5-0.
my first match up was against azorius control. he 2-0'd me. he milled me out the first game after finally getting rid of my Jace, Memory Adept when i was tapped out and couldn't counter and then he dropped his own. i didnt draw shit afterwards. game 2 was a bad hand that i knew i should've mulliganed but kept anyway. game proceeded to like turn 15 when we each had out like 10 lands and there was a huge counter spell war with 5 or 6 spells played between us. i came up 1 mana short for another dissipate :(.
second match up- 1-2 vs bug with it coming down to literally 2 card left in his library in game 3. game 1 went decidedly in my favor when i dropped Supreme Verdict and wiped out 2 Corpsejack Menace and a Prime Speaker Zegana with 12 counters on it. game 2 was another hand that started off looking good but my mana was clumped and i didnt draw anything so i went like 8 turns on 4 mana and not being able to play much. game 3 i had my Jace, Memory Adept out, combined with Nephalia Drownyard and got him down to 2 cards left in his library. he had brought in Psychic Spiral after game 1. there were 2 in the deck total. i saw 1 get milled out for sure, but couldn't remember if i had seen the second one. i end my turn not being able to do anything else with 2 mana free for my Azorius Charm incase he attacked with the four creatures he had out. he top decks the other Psychic Spiral i got milled for 39 and i scooped after that. it was so disheartening.
match 3 - 2-1 -was a weird gruul deck with defenders. i won game 1 countering everything and milling her out. game 2 i didnt draw as well, playing a 2 mana hand that ended up getting me no where and game 3 was decidedly in my favor. played a 4 land opening hand with a Jace, Memory Adept, Negate, Dissipate. drew an Azorius Charm turn 2 and lands the next two turns and she just couldnt do shit. the deck worked exactly as it should with me milling her out 3 turns after jace came out.
match 4 - 2-1 - was a weird deck that i had never seen the likes of before. it was g/r dragons with some enchant that allowed him to flip at his upkeep, if it was a creature of a type you had out, you could play it for free, if not bottom of the library. game 1 went to him. i had to mulligan down to 5 before i even had a decent hand and it was just down hill from there. game 2 and 3, i was able to Supreme Verdict and then mill him with Lazav, Dimir Mastermind out becoming a Balefire Dragon and wiping out his creatures. it was great because both games ended with finishing blows from him. Blind Obedience was a godsend in this game because i drew one with every opening hand and just bought me so much time versus his low cost dragons.
match 5 was some ridiculous 4 color deck with upwards of 800$ in it. 4 Thundermaw Hellkite's with Snapcaster Mage and some lich that let him play creatures from the graveyard with a 2 colorless ability. game one ended rather quickly when i had a turn 4 Lazav, Dimir Mastermind and then she played a Thundermaw Hellkite the next turn which i Ultimate Price'd and transformed lazav into. only went another 3 turns after that finishing with me bringing out Obzedat, Ghost Council for the 2 damage win. game two finished with me bringing her down so quickly i didnt even realize i was swinging for the kill with Duskmantle Seer. for some reason i thought she had more life than just 4 and i had just gotten out Obzedat, Ghost Council drawing my second Duskmantle Seer that turn. Jace, Memory Adept saw play both games milling for 2-3 turns before i won out.