Esper Control using Planeswalkers as primary win conditions
Explination of card choices
Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver = There aren't too many answers to 'walkers in this format and this one can steal a Tarmogoyf or something equally as good and go to town with it
Gideon Jura
= The all star. He can "switch gears" from offense to defense at any time
Liliana of the Veil = removal, hand disruption, and her ultimate is just pure evil
Sorin, Lord of Innistrad = Allows me to buff up my Lingering Souls tokens, can create tokens of his own, and I can also use his ultimate for a psuedo "board wipe" on opposing creatures and 'walkers and give them to me
Jace, Architect of Thought = since Jace, the Mindsculptor is banned in modern he takes the 4 drop place. He still draws me cards and allows me to tutor for win cons if I need to ultimate him
Path to Exile = best 1 drop removal in the format
Supreme Verdict = in case I need to reset the board and protect my 'walkers
Thoughtseize = one of the MAIN reasons I didn't make a Modern deck until now. Now that I have 3 of the BEST card in the format, I plan on running them.
Mana Leak = I'm debating on this one. I would like to run Remand but I don't want to have to "double deal with" any creatures and I would rather just counter them. It hurts in late game yes, but it's HUGE early on and is the easiest on the mana
Think Twice = Instant speed draw is awesome for this deck. Due to flashback, it's also a great card to "ditch" with Lilly
Lingering Souls = 1/1 flyers can stack up in a hurry...especially when paired with Sorin, Lord of Innistrad emblems. Also has flashback so it's another good card that can be "ditched" with Lilly
Snapcaster Mage = Buy back a Mana Leak, Path to Exile, or Thoughtseize. Can even become a legitimate threat in the mid-late game
Detention Sphere
= For any problem permanents like opposing 'walkers or Pithing Needles that hinder my progress. I will probably be using them on Blitterblossom or some other annoying enchantment like Blood Moon as well
Basics included (2x swamp, 2x island, 3x plains) = Blood Moon is annoying and and I need to be able to cast spells in case one slips under the counter-magic/hand control. I have included 2 of each in case someone uses things like Ghost Quarter on me or uses Path to Exile and I can still get value
Marsh Flats = I need to be able to tutor for my "shock lands" effectively
Hallowed Fountain / Watery Grave = prime tutor targets for Marsh Flats but I have also included one of Godless Shrine if I am blue heavy and need some of the other 2 colors
Creeping Tar Pit = "man lands" are good and this one is unblockable. It's also 1 less mana to activate as well (when compared to Celestial Collonade and is cheaper on the $$$)
Ghost Quarter = for Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle or other annoying lands like Mutavault. I don't have to wait until 4 lands for them nor do I need mana to activate although they get a basic land out of it