Let me just start by saying I have been out of the game for 12 years and am just coming back to it now. After playing a few drafts and one or two sealed. I stumbled upon simic and really find that i like the synergy possibilities I see in a deck like this. I enjoy control and enjoy high agro my previous main decks from the invasion block, being Green/Red Speed Agro and Blue/Red splash Black, Control Burn. So this seems like a nice and largely unused combination. (I have people telling me it's an unplayable combination, but I feel certain cards in Dragon Maze made it very playable and highly threatening).
I am looking for feedback on the deck, but mainly I need to know what the deck is going to have problems with, because I don't know all the current deck builds, or all the currently run combinations. For instance I KNOW blue/white plays an uncounterable "Wrath of God"-like card which being that my deck is heavy creature base, will be a problem for me.
Oh and this deck is RETURN TO RAVNICA BLOCK ONLY. I am not putting any of the Innastrad block in it because I do not want to buy into a block that rotates out in 3 months.
IN A PERFECT WORLD ( ~~ = Play Card () = Swing )
Turn 1 ~Cloudfin Raptor - 0/1~
Turn 2 ~Arbor Elf - 1/1~, (cloudfin 1/2)
Turn 3 ~Master Biomancer - 2/4~, arbor 1/1, (cloudfin 2/3)
Turn 4 ~
Crowned Ceratok
- 6/5~, biomancer 2/4, arbor 1/1, (cloudfin 3/4)
Turn 5 ~Progenitor Mimic - biomancer - 4/6~, (ceretok 6/5), biomancer 2/4, arbor 1/1, (cloudfin 4/5)
Turn 6 upkeep-> ~mimic2 - 8/10~ ~Prime Speaker Zegana - 23/23~, Bioshift 22 counters from prime onto biomancer, prime 1/1. mimic2 8/10 (mimic1 4/6), (ceretok 6/5), (biomancer 24/26), arbor 1/1, (cloudfin 6/7) all trample
The deck design is decently simple. Early game(turn 1-3), get onto the board with Cloudfin Raptor. Mana ramp slightly with Arbor Elf, and if need be controlling the opponents board or more importantly keeping them from controlling/burning my board with,
Spell Rupture
. Midgame(turn 4-6), bring in creatures such as
Crowned Ceratok
, Master Biomancer, Vorel of the Hull Clade, in order to begin to evolve and adjust the early game creatures. EndGame(turn 7-10), bring in Prime Speaker Zegana as a heavy hitter, also forces a large draw(a late game Fathom Mage can be used to the same effect if there is more then one biomancer in play) so I can jump all the +1/+1 counters onto another attacker same turn and/or Progenitor Mimic (especially on biomancer) and/or finish pumping the early/mid game creatures. Simply over run the defenses. Any creature allowed to survive on the board should easily be able to come across as a 10+/10+ w/ trample(from
Crowned Ceratok
Arbor Elf - Amazing early game mana ramp. Makes the deck playable with only 3-4 mana on the board.
Cloudfin Raptor - Great 1 drop, evolved by anything else in the deck, and due to flying often times the game winner.
Crowned Ceratok
- Integral in the win condition for the deck. 15 +1/+1 counters matter for nothing if it can be blocked with a 1/1
Elusive Krasis
- Wasn't in the original build but after playing around a bit. Evolved by anything in the deck except cloudfin, and can evolve almost anything in the deck. Plus the unblockable makes for a nasty little 3 drop.
Fathom Mage - was in the deck then out again, now in again. I like the ability to draw based on adding +1/+1 counters NOT evolving, also I can keep pushing counters onto it and move them later onto a bigger threat with bioshift.
Master Biomancer - Very nice mid/late game drop to force creatures coming in to still evolve early game cards.
Prime Speaker Zegana - Nice end game card and to be able to drop it and redraw a whole new hand is nice. Also another endgame target for mimic.
Progenitor Mimic - Ideal on Biomancer. Dropped on biomancer with a Bioshift in hand is win condition within 2 turns
Vorel of the Hull Clade - Combined with bioshift and Crowned Cretok this card makes any creature very threatening.
Bioshift - Been told this card is not good, but honestly I don't see how this deck plays to the win conditions without this card. The ability to move counters around then DOUBLE the counters with Vorel, shift counters to surprise pump in combat, or even on death seems invaluable.
Mutant's Prey - With creatures getting so large, this card is just fun. Has multiple uses too, clearing out targets the opponent refuses to attack with, killing flyers, and destroying blockers before combat.
Simic Charm - Such a nice versatile card. It was really screaming at me for being left on the sideboard.
Spell Rupture
- Early game control regardless of opponent deck type. Keeping my board on the table and as a secondary off balance the opponent.
Experiment One - Nice 1 drop and mid game regenerate, may see readmission into the deck, but currently the extra flyer was better I thought. and 6-8 1 drops aren't needed in 1 deck.
Gyre Sage - Not the best mana ramp for early game, due to not coming in with counters on already. Can only be used for mana AFTER more creatures come it. Subbed out for Arbor Elf. COMPLETELY changed the way the deck plays.
Renegade Krasis - Hard to Evolve many times without burning bioshifts so figured would be better to simply remove for the time being to make a little more room for more copies of more useful cards.
Give / Take - I was very back and forth on this card, and I ended up going with the versatility of Simic Charm
Plasm Capture
- Too mana heavy for it's use. If I'm still trying to control post turn 5 I'm just delaying the inevitable.
Primordial Hydra a sick endgame creature when paired with Vorel of the Hull Clade and Gyre Sage
Sapphire Drake
would be an alternative to the
Crowned Ceratok
Species Gorger and Thragtusk seems like a very nice combo. Play thrag-> evolve board, gain life. Play Species Gorger-> evolve board. Next turn bounce thrag -> drop 3/3 beast token. Play thrag->gain life, possibly evolve board. Rinse and Repeat. (and after just re-reading the actual ability on thrag I'm really trying to think about how I can bring this combo in, its a really nice combo because every time i bounce thrag I'd get a chump block token, and I can move some +1/+1 counters around to keep certain creatures repeatedly evolving for their abilities such as Fathom Mage or Renegade Krasis)
is a nice targeted fog. Since the entirety of my attacking force is all +1/+1 based I can use this to clear out creatures without taking damage (most useful against deathtouch, doublestrike, and first strike) also can let attackers through and have them not deal damage to me. But kinda mana heavy.
Forced Adaptation
was originally in the deck but moved it to put
Elusive Krasis
in, nice card when used on Gyre Sage or Master Biomancer but a little slow unless dropped turn 2
My problem is there are so many synergy possibilities for this deck I am having a hard time keeping the deck at 60 cards without feeling like I am leaving things out.