
This deck was built to take advantage of the power and value generation of the new Oath midrage costed Eldrazi. It wins with a combination of hand disruption, removal, hard-to-renove threats and lifegain.

Matter Reshaper is what I decided to build the deck around. When it dies, it generates so much value. It can get Wasteland Strangler or any of the enchantment-based removal for max value. To force it to die, I stumbled upon Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim. A deathtouch body that doesn't die to Wild Slash or early game Fiery Impulse is always good, and the ability to sac things at instant speed is supurb. It also works incredibly well with Hangarback Walker. To round out the curve, Thought-Knot Seer and Reality Smasherprovide end game power and control.

For the Sideboard, Duress and Ob Nixilis Reignited for grindier and more spell-based matchups, Hallowed Moonlight for Company and Rally, and Languish for Company and go wide strategies. Virulent Plague obviously is for token decks and Warping Wail is a haus against Prowess and Atarka Red. It also helps slow down Ramp. Infinite Obliteration used to be a two of in the board against decks like Abzan but I expanded it to a 4 of and bring it in against the majority of matchups that aren't low to the ground or token-based. It has single-handidly beat Abzan, Dragons, the mirror, and Rally. I liked it so much out of the board and was bringing it in so often that I ended up moving two into the main board.


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Game Day at Rogue's Roost was only four rounds instead of Haunted's five, but Roost does do a cut to top 4 (smaller venue).

Match 1: vs. Jeskai Prowess

Won 2-0: I already think I've got a pretty good matchup against Prowess, having beaten it soundly every time I've faced it. This match wasn't any different. He was playing things like Jeskai Charm and Mantis Rider which I was able to take with Transgress and I boarded them out game 2. Fortunately, he boarded out the majority of things that get hit by Transgress. Even if he didn't, it wasn't a problem for me to keep him bottled up.

Match 2: vs. U/R Prowess

Won 2-1: Game 1 was going just dandy until he drew everything off Abbot of Keral Keep, Expedite, Slip Through Space, Titan's Strength and recurred again off Jace into Battle Rage. 24 damage into my full life. Ouch. Games 2 and 3 were much better. Again, Warping Wail rocks this matchup all day as it kills every creature they have and counters Cruise and Slip Through Space.

Match 3: vs. B/R Dragons

Won 2-0: I was worried about this matchup considering I lost to Mardu Dragons yesterday. This version didn't have the early tempo rocks that the Mardu version has, but it has many more flyers. He was running Thopter Engineer in addition to Pia and Kiran Nalaar and Flamewake Phoenix. He had mana issues game 1 which led to hand disruption ripping his hand to shreds followed closely by double Reality Smasher. Game 2 was much better for him in terms of mana but after adding the full playset of Infinite Obliterations to the sideboard and bringing them in for this matchup, I took every single dragon in his deck. Without dragons, his deck is basically R/B Thopters. Which to say, doesn't match toe to toe with even midrange Eldrazi.

Match 4: vs. Atarka Flyers

Intentional Draw: My opponent had a pretty bad headache and we were both a lock for top 4 if we drew so I let him have that. In hindsight, I had a pretty good matchup against his deck and if we had played I would have a had a good chance to go into top 4 the first seed. But we ID'd and I went in second seed.

Match 5: vs. G/W Tokens

Lost 0-2: If I'd gone into top 4 as first seed I would have faced the R/B Dragons deck again and with the changes I made to the board last night, I liked the matchup. As it stood however, I got to face a deck that I hadn't seen before. And boy, was his deck great. Game 1 I reluctantly kept a heavy creature hand with no removal or hand disruption. Turns out for him, turn 1 Warden of the First Tree, turn 2 Seeker of the Way, turn 3 Oath of Gideon, Turn 4 Nissa, Voice of Zendikarfoil giving everything counters and turn 5 Gideon, Ally of Zendikar to emblem and have Gideon stay around is pretty powerful. Game 2 I brought in my Duresses, Hallowed Moonlights, and Languishes and made it a game, but it basically ended when he got to ult Nissa for 7.

Looking back on it, I did pretty well with a deck that I brewed myself and can't find anything incredibly similar to online. I changed the sideboard after the tournament again. I realized that I really just want to be casting Transgress the Mind into Infinite Obliteration. Even at worst, Obliteration is incredible intel. And to better combat token decks which I'm apparently susceptible to, I needed to add two Virulent Plague to the board. To make room, I cut the one of Eldrazi Displacer and a single Hangarback Walker and moved two Obliterations to the main board. Four hangarbacks aren't that different than three and the Displacer didn't even get a single activation during either Game Day and got boarded out the majority of the time. Hopefully, this will at least let me have answers to most every deck that I could face from here on out and maybe Obliteration will allow me to steal a few more first games.


Date added 9 years
Last updated 9 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

5 - 1 Mythic Rares

35 - 6 Rares

11 - 6 Uncommons

4 - 2 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.97
Tokens Copy Clone, Eldrazi Scion 1/1 C, Emblem Gideon, Ally of Zendikar, Emblem Ob Nixilis Reignited, Emblem Sorin, Solemn Visitor, Knight Ally 2/2 W, Thopter 1/1 C, Vampire 2/2 B
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