

Still a work in progress. Needs tuning for speed, but otherwise strong and fun to play! Let me know if you have any recommendations. Looking for mid-level feel of strength to the deck, not too competitive but good for a group of friends. Cheaper is better, and a good way to keep the group's meta strength in-check. That's why I left the black tutor's out. I did however keep Enlightened Tutor to get Sunforger.

Chain of Plasma with Brash Taunter (or Stuffy Doll for poormans version), Extus, Oriq Overlord  , and any non-legendary creature card, it deals infinite damage to all players (or just the one with Stuffy). Just keep hitting Brash Taunter with Chain and then doing it over and over, discarding a creature which then Extus puts back.

Worthy Cause as it (usually) goes infinite with Dockside Extortionist and Extus, Oriq Overlord  , giving you infinite Mana and Life, to cast Infinite Awaken the Blood Avatar. Should this get interrupted by anything, you can still pull your commander with Netherborn Altar and Kaya the Inexorable. The latter is very nice, but can't cast ATBA only Extus. Also good utility removal.

Boseiju, Who Shelters All and Grand Abolisher to make combos difficult/impossible to break. Lots of copy effects to ensure you aren't upping your commander tax too much while still pulling off multiple ATBA.

Sunforger lets me play a lot of target removal straight from the deck, or pull a Repeated Reverberation or Fury Storm to copy Awaken the Blood Avatar. Besides Rise of the Dread Marn, every instant in the deck can be pulled with Sunforger. You can get clever and if something is about to get counterspell'ed, pull Reverberate to copy the counterspell and counter the counterspell. Or pull Wild Ricochet to change targets if something is targeting Sunforger. Lots of utility options here.

Backup plans include Sunforger as just a straight up +4 to Extus, making his double strike scary. Unblocked is a 2 turn kill, if he gets blocked by a 4/7 or higher creature just trigger Sunforger to grab a removal spell to remove it before he would die.

Maybeboard is all cards I cut at one point, sideboard is my more recent cuts/reconsider list as I playtest more.


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40% Competitive