Fabled Fates
Based on
Fabled Hero
Agent of the Fates

They can be triggered by a number of enchantments, such as Ethereal Armor and Gift of Orzhova, or bestow creatures, like
Herald of Torment
Hopeful Eidolon
Round it out with
Hero of Iroas
to cheapen bestow costs and Gods Willing to protect your creatures.
I like this deck because it fits many different archetypes, making it hard for my opponent to play around it:
Aggro: can swing for 6/6 flying double-strike turn 4.
Control: We're playing black + the deck is made around
Agent of the Fates
. 'Nuff said.
Combo: Bestow + Heroic is pretty legit. Though it's more like synergy that combo. But Agent of the Fates
Gods Willing
is a game-winning combo, as is Agent of the Fates
Ethereal Armor
, Boon of Erebos
Fabled Hero
, Fabled Hero
Gift of Orzhova
, or any God enchanted with Gift of Orzhova or
Herald of Torment
Sideboard could use some help, looking for suggestions!
Recently made a big update so take a look at it!
Inspired from a deck by Ahkieron - props to the original creator:
Standard Ahkieron
SCORE: 5 |
Fabled Fates Deck Tech:
Constantly reworking the deck. Here's what I currently have:
Main Creatures:
Agent of the Fates
- Because he has an amazing Heroic trigger. He is good against other decks with creatures, and creatures just so happen to be almost every deck (no big deal).
Find out other tricks with him in my Dimir deck here: Agent of the Fates
Fabled Hero
: - Because he is a 2/2 Double Strike that can get very big very fast. Aim for a Turn 4 6/6 Flying Double Strike with help from a Turn 2
Hero of Iroas
and a Turn 4
Herald of Torment
bestow. Or just aim for anything else that triggers Heroic. Protect him with Gods Willing. Only running 3 because I decided to go for more variety.
Hero of Iroas
: Because he likes to be aggressive. He cheapens Aura's (icluding Bestow Creatures!) so you can enchant your
Agent of the Fates
Fabled Hero
easier. Or just giving him Ethereal Armor turns him into a 4/4 First Strike.
1 Brimaz, King of Oreskos: - On color and great for aggressive decks.
Supporting Creatures:
4 Brain Maggot: Better than Thoughtseize (maybe...).
Herald of Torment
: Because he likes to be aggressive. He can come out turn three and start swinging away. A 1 for 3 life trade helps close out games. If you can turn 2
Hero of Iroas
and turn 4
Herald of Torment
, it's strictly better than Desecration Demon because it's a 6/6 Flyer with no limitation from attacking, just small loss of life. Running only 2 because he's a late game bomb.
1 Eidolon of Countless Battles: This deck is centered around creatures and Aura's, both of which make him bigger. Usually want to aim for the bestow, so it can trigger heroic and stick around after Mass Removal.
Hopeful Eidolon
Ethereal Armor
Hopeful Eidolon
is a force to be reckoned with (and it even lets you keep 1 land hands). Plus, the bestow is great for triggering heroic, making a creature bigger, and oh yeah don't underestimate that lifelink. Experimenting with 1 Main / 1 Side.
Athreos, God of Passage
: On color and great for aggressive decks. Experimenting with more variety than just
Fabled Hero
, thinking 1 Main / 1 Side. Seeing a theme?
Other Alternatives:
High Priest of Penance
: Tends to throw the opponent of guard and think twice about attacking. Has an ability that is basically a super-charged version of deathtouch, destroying that Banishing Light that locked away a creature. Also has great interaction with Gift of Immortality.
Baleful Eidolon
: For mostly the same reasons.
Fiendslayer Paladin
: Doesn't hit as hard as
Fabled Hero
but better dodges removal.
Enchantment Auras
To trigger heroics and pump up your creatures for Maximum Damage:
2 Ethereal Armor: Amazing in aggressive decks. Also triggers heroic.
Agent of the Fates
says Hi. Could run 4, but 2 is enough and experimenting with 1
since it's also a 1 cost enchantment (thanks to
Hero of Iroas
: Because
Hero of Iroas
allows this to be a 1 cost enchantment that triggers heroic, pumps a creature, and draws a card (such as that Gods Willing you know you're going to need).
Fabled Hero
Agent of the Fates
work well with
. Running 1 to replace an Ethereal Armor for variety.
1 Gift of Orzhova: Great enchantment to surprise your opponent with. Giving a creature flying and lifelink can help close out games.
1 Gift of Immortality: Great enchantment to surprise your opponent with. Give it to
Agent of the Fates
so you can always keep him around. Forces your opponent to have to triple kill a creature if you're sitting on a Gods Willing.
Sidenote: Could experiment with Banishing Light or Underworld Connections,
Ordeal of Heliod
, and
Ordeal of Erebos
General Support:
4 Gods Willing: Absoluetly amazing - This card wins games. Allows you to dodge removal and trigger heroic and scry.
Agent of the Fates
says Hi.
2 Hero's Downfall: Easiest way to take care of Planeswalkers like Elspeth, Sun's Champion. Experimenting with 2 Main / 2 Side. As a sidenote, I could experiment with 1 Elspeth, Sun's Champion in this deck.
1 Doom Blade: Great against most matchups. Kills things. Could also go with Ultimate Price (competely depends on the matchup). Expereimenting with 1 Main / 1 or 2 Side.
2 Thoughtseize:
2 Duress:
Hand disruption + knowledge. Must have for competitive play. This is taking the place of the previous
Boon of Erebos
. Although
Boon of Erebos
is a great way to dodge Supreme Verdict, I'd rather Thoughtseize it out of their hand to begin with while gaining knowledge of their hand. Also considered
Tormented Hero
in this spot. Running 2 main / 2 side for each.
23 Total. Plains / Swamp + Any dual land like
Temple of Silence
/ Godless Shrine
Experimenting with 2 Mana Confluence instead of a couple basic lands because there are quite a few cards with double symbols in the cost that I would like to get out quickly. I should be able to stay ahead in life as long as I can remain aggressive.
Cards that didn't make the cut:
Blood Baron of Vizkopa doesn't actually fit this deck. 5 CMC makes it hard to get out fast. And I can't target him with any of my buffs. Any God is better.
Fiendslayer Paladin
- Another replacement for
Fabled Hero
. If anything, he should just be sideboard for the Hero against black or red.
Ordeal of Heliod
- Could still fit but the amount of removal in standard does make it hard to get those 3 counters. Would prefer something more consistent.
Gift of Orzhova is better.
Thoughtseize - I'd play it if I only wanted to win. I make these decks because I want to have fun. Thoughtseize = no fun.
Brain Maggot is better.
Cavern Lampad
- This card absolutely fits, but CMC is too much to get out.
Erebos, God of the Dead is better.
Ghostblade Eidolon - I like him, but most games all he'll ever be is just a measly 1/1.
Akroan Skyguard
- Through play-testing, I've found he's mostly just a 1/1 flying that doesn't do much.
Brain Maggot is better.
Observant Alseid
- Too slow. By the time I can bestow, vigilance on only 1 creature no longer matters.
Heliod, God of the Sun is better.
Heliod's Emissary
- Same as above.
Nyxborn Shieldmate
- 3 cost pump for +1/+2 is not worth it.
Ethereal Armor and
Gift of Orzhova are better.
Spiteful Returned
- A win-more card that is great when bestowed but useless otherwise.
Sunbond - A win-more card that is usually useless.