Faerie deck based around keeping the enemy from gaining board presence while the little fae nibble at his life. Hybrid build with Prowl mechanic. At first Glace it does look creature-based, but, to Quote a friend of mine: "There's way to much text on each of those!!", meaning that they bring the effects that i want non-creature spells to do while empowering those with numbers and making prowl easier to Trigger! Such synergy such wow! Funny infinite "main Phase skip" for an Opponent: Mistbind Clique + Quickling . with 2 of either one and 1 of the other you can tapp all lands an enemy controls EACH TURN xD. Plays out like this: clique etb, exiles quickling. Play quickling, return clique, other quickling etb, return quickling to Hand. rinse and repeat. Other variant: Play clique, Exile whatever, Play clique exile clique play quickling, clique Comes back etb rinse and repeat..... + 1 etb from another faerie. Awesome right???


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Date added 11 years
Last updated 2 years
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This deck is Casual legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 0 Mythic Rares

24 - 0 Rares

13 - 0 Uncommons

10 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.12
Tokens Faerie Rogue 1/1 B, On an Adventure
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