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Faith of the Discarded (Amonkhet Control)




Creature (1)

Sorcery (1)


  • Faith of the Devoted + Midnight Oil : Drawing an extra card and not getting punished is great. Also, over the course of a few turns, it doesn't matter what you draw, it's all going to drain your opponent.

  • Either Lightning Axe or Collective Brutality and either Fiery Temper or Alms of the Vein: For 2 or 3 mana, you have incredible flexibility in a removal and burn package. Even discarding a Cut/ Ribbons is fine because of its Aftermath ability.

  • Canyon Slough + Foreboding Ruins : Having access to both colors of mana is important, and because the Canyon Slough is both a mountain and swamp, Foreboding Ruins is gonna be untapped most of the time. Additionally, Canyon Slough has cycling, which fits the discard theme.

  • Archfiend of Ifnir + Nahiri's Wrath : mostly a way to deal with a specific problem Planeswalker coughGideoncough. Having an Archfiend out (or even a Ruthless Sniper in a pinch) and dumping your hand to kill a god and various problem creatures seems powerful, especially in a deck that cares about discarding cards.


  • Painful Lesson : the life loss can be ignored for the most part, since we should be gaining enough to offset it. It also is an additional burn spell in a pinch.

  • Prying Questions : another burn spell and a bit of hand disruption to complement Collective Brutality. Can even Time Walk on occasion.

  • Cut/ Ribbons : not sure how to link the whole card lol. Anyway, the top half might not be too powerful, but it's still removal. The bottom half can win games out of nowhere, and if it's discarded it can still be used. Also counts as 4 CMC for Nahiri's Wrath.

  • Furyblade Vampire : it was difficult to decide between this and many other 2 drops (or effectively 2 Mana creatures). I felt I needed a free, repeatable discard outlet that could push in for some damage, without being forced to discard if it wasn't necessary.

  • Insolent Neonate another evasive body, albeit much smaller. Still a free discard effect that replaces itself. I'm not sure about this slot. A Falkenrath Gorger or Bomat Courier would also be great options, possibly as sideboard cards.


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Date added 7 years
Last updated 7 years
Key combos

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

3 - 0 Mythic Rares

22 - 1 Rares

18 - 1 Uncommons

8 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.70
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