After theros block and M15 i gone, is time for Temur to rise again. This deck provides all the strength what Temur clan got. This is cheaper version of full build around 100 $.
Ferocious - creature which is power 4 or greater provides empowered abilities and spells.
Use power of dragons to burn your enemies and opponent at once!
Use your ramp to get ahead and bring out HUGE beasts!
none (evlish mystic is gone :(. RIP // testing to play Dragonmaster Outcast (obvously you want to land him after turn 6
Rattleclaw Mystic - mana ramp, fixing land issue cause RUG, good vibes with mana ramp with morph
Whisperer of the Wilds
- just cheaper option, of Shaman of Forgotten Ways, ramp good work with fero. Maybe i will add more cause high mana cost ramp is needed and sometime get burned down.
Savage Knuckleblade - love this guy, so many options, how to use him. Bread and butter, one of the best 3 drops in standart.
if money isnt your issue you may put in Deathmist Raptor
Den Protector
Thunderbreak Regent - awesome flying dude 4/4 for 4 mana srsly OP and deal dmg one way or another, I would recommend 4
Icefall Regent - an okay dragon, trigger roar, ferocious and fill in in a mana curve
Woodland Bellower - Combo it with knuckleblade. Its fine guy who survive Languish, Harder to remove by enemy and a fine blocker as well.
Dragonlord Atarka - when out and he has no remove GG, one, if u like him. Buy him brother. ;)).
Stubborn Denial - love to cs for just one mana, especialy when in standart is ton of removal, protect your buddies, 3 is must have in competetive.
Draconic Roar
- burn regular + bonus burn to player if dragon (or plainswalker)
Temur Ascendancy - playtesting, only problem is not good vs aggro, cause u need to cast creatue first to have some solid blocker.
Sarkhan Unbroken - draw cards, adding dragons 4/4 etc. not much to say, his ultimate is pretty good but ... ive never play it in tournament. Usually only first two options.
.See the Unwritten - better when you are using 2 atarkas. Need to understand when is good to play this card ;).
Crater's Claws - bonus 2 dmg thx ferocious make this powerfull burn, even tho is only sorcery. Just be wary of counterspells. This could be often your finisher spell or removal for big beast.
Ashcloud Phoenix
vs burners your creatures or languish
Barrage of Boulders
- cant make your dmg through? Problem solved. Or just wipe out 1/1 tokens.
Disdainful Stroke - vs. fat creatures
Display of Dominance
- vs black removal or plainswalker (blue usually have counterspell, douchbags)
Feed the Clan - feed bros 10 life fero thx, 10/10 burn players will cry.
Gaea's Revenge
- vs blue nonsense, massive control
Naturalize - u know few items that gives you hard time 1-2
Roast - burn biggies - 1-2
Surrak Dragonclaw vs blue and chop blockers
Stubborn Denial vs massive instant sorcery spells, dont forget to counterspell plainswalkers! for JUST 1!! Look in their faces and see the pure hatred :D, why is it just only 1CMC. 8/10 wouldnt expect it.
Evolving wilds vs fetch land $$$ - you know