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First Constructed Deck UR Control Need Help!




My first constructed deck, this deck is without dual lands and without Torrential Gearhulks. If I would have included those the cost of this deck would have been way higher. My win condition is bringing in the Glorybringer and swinging in for damage while removing and countering spells of the opponent. I am relatively new to MTG so I need some help/feedback.


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Thanks for the feedback you two!

FlyMuf I sure would love to add in the Gearhulks, but as I have stated in the description the deck would get a lot more expensive because of the Gearhulks. I currently can't really afford to almost spend 100$ on an playset of Gearhulks! :P Now, about you telling me to splash in white because of Approach of the Second Sun I should build a whole different deck or I should make an expensive mana base. If I would like to play Approach of the Second Sun I'll look into making a New Perspectives + Approach of the Second Sun combo deck. :)

bellz76 you have given me many information to work with! It really comes in handy. :) I'll try to get three more Aether Hub I already have one because I got it at FNM. I already thought about adding in the Evolving Wilds but now that you have told me that it is a nice addition to the deck, I'll get some of those too. I might have some already here from my Amonkhet drafts! Should I switch in the Evolving Wilds for 2 Islands and 2 Mountains? I could run 4 Sweltering Suns but for what should I switch them in? I will add an additional Dynavolt Tower I think I'll switch that in for a Hieroglyphic Illumination. Essence Scatter and Negate will go into my sideboard so I can switch them in depending on my matchup. I hope I can use this deck and with the release of Hour Of Devastation in sight I hope I can make the deck better.

Thanks for the advice!


Date added 7 years
Last updated 7 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

1 - 1 Mythic Rares

14 - 2 Rares

15 - 5 Uncommons

13 - 7 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.77
Tokens Emblem Jace, Unraveler of Secrets, Energy Reserve
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