This is a variation of my WR deck Burning Tokens that includes Master of Waves and some blinking. The basic strategy is the same:
Now, let's take a look at the special interactions between some cards, how to play the deck and some rambling about why I picked this card or that one...
A combo that I'm especially fond of is Master of Waves and
. Normally, removing Master of Waves would cause the 1/0 tokens it created to die as they lose the +1/+1 boost.
returns him to the field immediately as part of the same effect resolution as the removal, so he's back before state-based actions are checked the next time, and the tokens won't die. Of course, the same applies when using
Nephalia Smuggler
for blinking.
Instants play a special role in this deck. Well, that's clear with Isochron Scepter and Elite Arcanist in the deck. The simplest and most independent use is to imprint raise the alarms so your token supply doesn't run out. Once Master of Waves is on the field, you should pick
instead, as it will not only produce tokens, but also protects your (nontoken) creatures from spot removal. Talking about spot removal... Imprinting Path to Exile will give you some sweet removal, but also lets you search for the basic land you need right now at the cost of an expendable token per land.
Young Pyromancer
will replace that token almost immediately, often serving an extra purpho-burn with your land. You will notice that some staples like Brainstorm or Counterspell are not included. The reason for that is that I want to have my blue effects on permanents to support Master of Waves.
Young Pyromancer
is not exactly a special card, but it interacts with so many cards that it deserves to be mentioned. It gives you an extra token for every sorcery or instant you cast, and that includes the instants copied with Isochron Scepter or Elite Arcanist. Those tokens are elementals, so they get the boost from Master of Waves too.
To gain some blue devotion, blue permanents are necessary. Future Sight replaces late-game card draw and adds three to devotion.
Callous Oppressor
lets you sac an opponent's creatures for Goblin Bombardment or, even better, remove them with Path to Exile and search for a land yourself instead of ramping the opponent. Yes, you can both have your cake and eat it.
improves the manabase. With it, even Terramorphic Expanse will produce mana of the color you need. Blink it to change the land type it gives to your lands.
Finally, a (non-exhaustive) Combo list. Most of them work better with Purphoros, God of the Forge, instants prefer the use of Isochron Scepter). Feel free to post combos I forgot to list.
Any advice is welcome, thanks in advance.
The previous, devotion-free version of the deck: