Flavourful version:
When I play this deck, I like to imagine that it tells the story of an epic battle.
The story starts with a single Soul's Attendant - a cleric, weary from a long fought battle with no end in sight, whose faith in the divine is waning. But she soldiers on regardless, because she knows her blessings, divine or not, mean something to those who join the battle, especially Ajani's Pridemate. So long as she remains, the Pridemates seem to grow stronger and tougher by the day while they eagerly await the arrival of their leader, Ajani, Caller of the Pride who makes them stronger still (+1), or gives them the inspiration to deal the finishing blow to the enemy (-3).
While the soldiers go about their violent business, a simple monk, the Serra Ascendant, sits and meditates on the mysteries of the world. As the battle continues, deep in his subconscious, he feels that enlightenment is coming...
Meanwhile, the battle rages on. Sometimes the Ajani and his Pridemates make short work of the enemy and claim victory. Sadly, as is often the case, they fail.
Things are looking grim.
But then, a miracle - an
Emeria Angel
appears along with reinforcements! The doubtful Cleric's faith is restored and this message from the gods is the last piece in the puzzle for the meditating Monk! Filled with the bliss of enlightenment, the Serra Ascendant soars into the sky and charges at the enemy. Impressed with the Cleric's and Monk's show of faith, the gods provide an Angelic Accord and, suddenly, the enemy is overwhelmed by a divine swarm of Angels!
Pretty epic.
Flavourless version:
This deck has two win conditions. The first is a kind of aggro one that revolves around pumping Ajani's Pridemate up with lots of +1/+1 counters. If that doesn't work, the aim is to have stalled the board long enough to have an Angelic Accord out along with the tools (e.g. Trostani, Selesnya's Voice) needed to keep making 4/4 Angels.
Lifegain is mostly powered by Soul's Attendant, Nyx-Fleece Ram and Courser of Kruphix with late game support from Trostani, Selesnya's Voice.
What the cards do:
- Soul's Attendant is the main engine of the deck. Every creature that enters the battlefield means +1 life and another +1/+1 counter on Ajani's Pridemate.
- Nyx-Fleece Ram is the second engine that also slows aggro/burn decks down.
- Courser of Kruphix is maybe'ish. It's obviously great at getting through lands and to the important spell cards (and lifegaining/feeding Pridemates), but the two green symbols in its cost can make it hard to cast.
- That said, Courser of Kruphix
Emeria Angel
Soul's Attendant
makes playing a land super valuable. Land enters, +1 life from Courser, Emeria Angel produces a 1/1 flyer, +1 life from Soul's Attendant. Having an Ajani's Pridemate on the board means that's 2 +1/+1 counters in addition to a 1/1 flyer and +2 life. Just for playing a land!
- Once Angelic Accord is on the board and has made at least one Angel, Trostani, Selesnya's Voice can guarantee 2 more during an opponent's turn by populating, gaining 4 life (Angel's toughness is 4) and so triggering Angelic Accord on the end step.
Other supporting cards are:
- Serra Ascendant - Managing to pull this out as a 6/6 flier with lifelink is often a win in itself. Also, a great way to trigger Angelic Accord.
- Unflinching Courage - Excellent for getting that extra bit of life needed to trigger Angelic Accord or reach 30 life and boost Serra Ascendant into a 6/6. Also, trample can be the difference between winning the game and being chump blocked enough times for an opponent to recover.
- Brave the Elements - Doubles as protection as well as making creatures unblockable for a win.
- Ajani, Caller of the Pride has an cool ultimate (hoards of cats!) but it's much more useful for its -3 - win early by flying and doublestriking over an opponent's creatures. Stylish!
- Path of Bravery - I've found this card synegises really well in this deck. It's not uncommon to have 20+ life at turn 3, so having all your creatures get +1/+1 at that point makes a massive difference.
Sideboard is in the works. Definite inclusions are Rootborn Defenses (to answer wraths) and
Selesnya Charm
(to deal with large and scary threats).
Any suggestions, comments, etc., very welcome!