
Creature (1)

I finally pulled the shrine commander from a pack and since I had most of the shrines already and a number of enchantment creatures and constellation cards from in my collection I decided it was time to put this one together.

However, I wanted to give it something special so I decided to put in a flicker sub-theme. As flickering shrines will make more shrines, trigger constellation, and buff some of the creatures in the deck. I really enjoy what this deck can do and it's a lot of fun for an enchantments matters deck.


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99% Casual


Date added 2 years
Last updated 2 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

7 - 0 Mythic Rares

42 - 0 Rares

28 - 1 Uncommons

4 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.31
Tokens Angel 4/4 W, Elephant 3-3 G, Emblem Venser, the Sojourner, Shrine, Spirit 1/1 C, Spirit 1/1 W, Spirit Cleric */* W, Monarch Emblem
Folders My Commander Decks
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