The idea behind the deck is simple and easily broken down into four steps:
1.Find your Whale. For this deck we are running Stormtide Leviathan (yes I know it's technically not a whale but I'm still going to call it that) which is a solid card that doesn't see play because it's high casting cost, an 8/8 islandwalk that stops all creatures from attacking unless it has islandwalk or flying? I like this, it fits well in a controlling scheme since only creatures with flying and islandwalk can attack and it turns all lands into islands as well which means that once it hits your opponent is rather stopped up and you've got a big guy who can't be blocked. Now we have plenty of scry lands and Taigam's Scheming to adjust what's on top of the deck so we can more easily manifest this guy.
2.Manifest your Whale. Cloudform, Write Into Being, and Mastery of the Unseen provide solid outlets for getting your whale into play facedown. The best one for this is obviously Cloudform to keep him safe with the hexproof but Write into Being is probably what we're going to lean on here as a solid scry and manifest card.
3.Flicker your Whale. Probably the most difficult part of the plan, there is only one really dependable card in standard that has a flicker effect and that is Skybind, however what it does, it does well. It's a little slower then your normal flicker cards as it returns the creature at the end step but this can be used to your advantage as a control card as well, dropping an enchantment creature lets you flicker a possible threat or blocker or of course, your whale (whales can also be flipped defensively by flipping them before an opponents lethal attack to stop up their attackers).
4.Win with your Whale. This part is the fun one, if the Whale got flickered it's time to start winning, and we have lots of support for him in the guise of Ghostblade Eidolon. Your whale is already going to hit for an unblockable 8 damage when he attacks, so Why not enchant him with the Eidolon and hit for 18 instead? Of course if we want to really have some fun, flipping the whale up for its manifest cost while coudform is on it keeps the cloudform for FLYING WHALE SHENANEGINS.
It's all about the waiting game, getting skybind then manifesting the whale, and in the meantime you have support form nyx-fleece ram and mastery of the unseen to keep you healthy, Aegis of the gods to laugh at burn spells, and aetherspouts with hypnotic siren just in case you haven't found our lord and savior the Whale.