Taking this to FNM tonight. Any suggestions would be great!
Card by card analysis:
Milling:[Jace, Memory Adept], [Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver], [consuming aberration] & [mind grind] are the mill centerpieces. Jace is obviously the giant threat, with Ashiok doing some utility, and the other two coming out late to finish the game. [breaking / entering] is a cheap source of mill as well as grabbing a finisher.
Removal:[omen speaker] and [returned phalanx] provide some cheap blockers who can either take someone out, provide utility, or swing in for damage if needed. [dreadbore] and [hero's downfall] just simply kill planeswalkers and the [desecration demon]s or [polukranos, world eater]s that are too big to block. [thoughtseize] offers so much removal potention, although I can envision scenarios in which it wouldn't be that great here. [far / away] can handle the special situations like a hex proof or enchanted creature easier. [syncopate] seems good vs mono-black's whips or any deck tapping out on curve. [ultimate price] is just here cause I just needed another card.
Utility: [jace, architect of thought] is really just here for his +1 against swarms, although card draw is always awesome. [liliana of the dark realms] does a lot here. She filters lands, grabs a blood crypt if I need red, acts as special removal, and also powers up a huge [mind grind]. [Lazav, dimir mastermind] might turn out to be a dud but the guy looks awesome and he has hexproof. If he's going to be good, this is likely the deck for him so I gotta give the guy a shot.