You must try this deck to see how crazy it gets. The creature package by themselves are a power force reminiscent of Collected Company decks. Then As Foretold is an absolute game breaker.
Every turn -yours and theirs - cast a spell for free. This means casting 3 spells instead of 1. | Play off the top of your library |
There are a ton of card options for this deck. The ones described below may not appear in the decklist because it changes. But it's always great.
Lots of Cards
To feed As Foretold (or indeed to find one), we have an endless array of cards who provide spells to cast.
Oath of Nissa,Thraben Inspector, Duskwatch Recruiter
, Tireless Tracker, Tamiyo, Field Researcher, Nissa, Steward of Elements, Vizier of the Menagerie and cycle lands all do the "more cards" thing.
Nissa and Vizier also do the cheating-in cards trick. They let you look at the top of your library and decide to play directly, or use a clue or Duskwatch or Tamiyo to draw it.
Instants and Flash
Flash lets us play spells on their turn. More value for As Foretold, and more resiliance in controlling the enemy plan.
Spell Queller,
Void Grafter
, Archangel Avacyn
Stasis Snare
, Cast Out fill this duty.(P.S. I love Void Grafter. It's almost always a 2 for 1. Either they wasted a removal and we get a creature, or they attacked and suddenly lose a creature to a blocker. 2/4 stands up very well to a large percentage of early creatures.)
BG: This can be rough if they get out fast. Slow them down by any means available, and then use As Foretold and card advantage to catch up. Dusk // Dawn and Essence Scatter are great sideboard options.
Zombies: Narnam blockades, Spell Queller counters (best on a X=1 Dark Salvation), and Avacyn and Declaration sweep (byebye tokens). Selfless gives us a nice bit of damage followed by favorable blocking if they decide to attack. Our card draw nearly equals theirs, and with As Foretold we can out-cast them. Perhaps slight disadvantage game 1. Games 2-3, we bring in Dusk // Dawn (take out Tracker/Vizier). They can't beat us without Lord and/or Mastery, and then we Dusk their board and cleanup.
Control: With 8 T1 plays, Thraben, Dusk, Tracker, Vizier, Tamiyo giving card advantage, Queller disrupting their early interaction, and Selfless/Avacyn messing with sweepers, they will need a lot of luck. And if they ever tap out to play something important, we resolve As Foretold and OBLITERATE them in cards and mana. Just be sure to save some repeatable card advantage for when you can cash in.
Mardu: Our early creatures match theirs, except Heart of Kiran. That and Gideon need solutions. Spell Queller helps. Also Tamiyo. Aethersphere Harvester, Stasis Snare, Cast Out, Negate, are options. Sideboard artifact removal, and Negates.
Narnam Renegade to solve the newly popular big-stuff aggro matchup.
Manglehorn for artifacts. Ceremonious Rejection for artifacts and eldrazi.
Note that As Foretold does not specify creatures, so a good plan can be to side out Vizier and Duskwatch and any irrellevant creatures and side in spells. Dusk // Dawn can be brought in, maybe siding out Tracker/Vizier to dodge its effect, while murderizing zombies, GB creatures, control creatures, etc.