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French Kaalia

Duel Commander


Competitive French Kaalia of The Vast that I've been testing and retesting for around 3 years now. Currently able to hold its own against format staples like geist (50-50), keranos (60-40), narset (50-50), anafenza (60-40), titania (50-50) and vendilion clique (50-50). That's not bad considering Kaalia's not exactly a tier 1 general.

I have yet to properly test against high tide, animar and maelstrom.

There are a few changes in mentality over the years that caused me to make changes that turned out to be big improvements to the deck:

1.)It's not about bringing kaalia out quick. No point in a turn 3 kaalia that just gets countered or removed. Because of that, the only mana rock in the deck is chrome mox. This gave me so much more room to work with, and my matchups have improved drastically since.

2.) I stopped viewing Kaalia as a combo piece, but rather as an accelerator. The deck eventually reached equilibrium as a midrange deck of sorts, bringing out big creatures a few turns early via kaalia, but able to come out on their own late game. This, combined with the fact that I had only 1 rock left, means that I needed to make land drops. I'm currently at 40, and it's been great.

3.) The worst matchup is really control, so you'll see some anti-control cards like boseiju and defense grid here, which is worth the occasional dead draws.

4.) Blood moon looks like an iffy card to add, but it has been a very effective disruption tool that has swung many matchups in my favor. Just fetch for basics or tutor for a mox, and surprise them with this. Been playing this for a year, and not once have I considered removing it.

I've been playing with Kaalia in duel commander nonstop for 3 years, and I'm sure I'll be able to answer other questions regarding card choices, matchups and strategies involved with this list.


Updates Add

Wizards is going to start MTGO support for 1v1 at 30 life. If it becomes official, i will definitely be retesting this list again.


Date added 8 years
Last updated 8 years
Exclude colors UG

This deck is not Duel Commander legal.

Rarity (main - side)

20 - 0 Mythic Rares

53 - 0 Rares

14 - 0 Uncommons

8 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.02
Tokens Faerie Rogue 1/1 B
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