
Went 1-2

Kept getting passed good Azorius and green cards. Made draft decisions hard. Got enough gates then passed 2 Rams in pack 3 so that cemented my decision to go Bant.

Match 1 vs Azorius- 9 year old. I beat him pretty handily but I helped him everywhere I could. let him mull for free a bunch, he drew extra cards a few times, and after round 1 I helped him fix his deck (he was playing like 21 lands).

Match 2 vs Rakdos - G1 got beaten up by menace 1/3s and spectacled out and by the time I stabilized I was too low. G2 my removal matched up really well with his plays and he drew no menace. G3 he had ill gotten inheritance so I couldnt even have sided in enchant removal and he trucked me with TONS of removal + slow burn.

Match 3 vs Mardu - 11 year old. Dude CRUSHED me. Tons of removal, ill gotten inheritance, and I couldn't out race him or keep much of a board. Game 2 I punted, mistapped my mana. He had 4 power on the board and I was tapped out having drawn 2 cards the previous turn with sphinx's insight with an adapted eel and a ram or something. He removed my blocker with consign to the pits taking me to 4, he had a 2/2 and a lifelink shade with the +1/+2 enchant on it. Had I left up white mana I could have killed the enchant during combat, gone down to 1 and killed him with eel next turn. Oh well, deserved that loss. At one point the kid was looking at his Orzhov Racketeers and said: 'Is he threatening that guy with a bat? That seems impractical.' 11 years old. Love it.


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Date added 6 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is Limited legal.

Rarity (main - side)

1 - 0 Rares

6 - 1 Uncommons

22 - 14 Commons

Cards 40
Avg. CMC 3.22
Tokens Spirit 1/1 WB
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