I created this deck in what can only be described as a fever dream. I came to one day, and it was finished. I like doing breakdowns of my card choices so check it out:
Ancient Stirrings- Awesome way to skim through your library and find the cards that are most helpful for your current hand. If you need eldrazi, it helps. Land? Go for it. Your odds are great with this powerful one drop.
Expedition Map - Valuable on whatever turn you play it at. The freedom to choose whatever land is pivotal. But really you're using for at most two specific cards. Expedition also synergizes with Ancient Stirrings, where the other land fetch card in this deck, Sylvan Scrying, does not.
Sol Ring- Just because I have one.
Sylvan Scrying - I can't decide which is more optimal at land fetching, this or Expedition Map? The benefit is that it's a sorcery, so for two mana you get the card you're looking for. Expedition does give another play option for turn one, as playing something every turn is important for a consistent deck. But it is net 3 mana that you spend, as opposed to Sylvan's 2 mana. What I DO know is that having both increases my odds of playing my badass lands.
Cream of the Crop - Annihilator and massive eldrazi got my brain churning. It's such a messed up mechanic, and I NEEDED to play it functionally in a deck. So I did deep word searches using gatherer advanced search and found this card that does what's needed to facilitate a workable strategy of annihilating shit.
Eldrazi Mimic- One of the wretched creatures from the Eldrazi Winter. It does exactly what you've seen it do. They can be chumps if needed, but ideally the mimics, and more creatures, keep a sizeable presence on the field. But, if in a pinch, the Mimic/Smasher win con is great.
Nest Invader - These dudes help make a viable turn 2 happen. They can help with some light ramp, as well as chump blocking. There is a strategy that you build towards in this deck, so if those pieces are in play and Nest Invader gets played later game, it's all good.
Matter Reshaper- This card is bonkers. It's not uncommon to play this on turn 2, and adds so much value. It works as a deterrent, best as a chump blocker with its beefy 3 power. Its death trigger is incredible, whether a permanent (that includes land!) hits the field, or you draw. This card causes a lot of eye-rolling in my play group.
Reality Smasher - a win con on its own. Smashers help put heavy pressure on opponents, and they are difficult to answer. They can still easily make it out on turn 3 with this casual build.
Conduit of Ruin - Useful player on the field in that he makes these big eldrazi cost a little less. Conduit plus eldrazi temples or eye of ugin still make it possible to play a big card in your hand, if the combo search isn't going well. But IDEALLY, you use conduit of ruin to fetch the next guy.
Deceiver of Form- This the guy you want to search for. In a best case scenario, you'll have a few other creatures out when Deciever's combat effect triggers. As it is, the odds are low of top decking a beefy annihilator eldrazi. But remember Cream of the Crop? Having that out on the field early allows you to cycle for the cards you need most. If you play Deceiver while Cream of the Crop is in play, you get to scry the top 8 cards, giving you better odds for your annihilator cheat. Any other creature you play afterwards facilitates this process.
Artisan of Kozilek
Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger
Pathrazer of Ulamog
It That Betrays
^^These are the behemoths that are to wreck the game. I've found it to be pretty easy to cast these dudes, not just cheat their effect.
With the amount of land fetch cards, including Ancient Stirrings, it's easy to thin your library out and increase your odds of the annihilator top deck. It's good fun! Also, multiple copies of Cream of the Crop is ok to play. You can choose whether or not you want each ability to trigger, and if your first trigger doesn't yield anything good, you get the benefit of the second trigger to aid your dig.