I just quit hearthstone and I had a lot of fun with miracle rogue. I couldn't believe how powerful the gadgetzan auctioneer was. Just being able to replace low cost cards so simply seemed kind of broken. So I figured i'd do the same thing in mtg, except with enchants.
The enchantresses draw you cards so you don't run out of steam, while the horde of low cost enchantments win you the game.
You want to really abuse lifelink the entire game. I have tested against aggro and it is all in the lifelink in order to last out the damage and get your gimmick off. Against control it's a mix of sideboard and just overwhelming them. Midrange is where this deck excels.
Hopeful Eidolon and Ethereal Armor is a 3/3 first strike lifelink which will save you soo often.
Alpha Authority gives you hexproof, so you can start creating a giant creature.
Vines of Vastwood is a tricky one. I have used it more on enemy creatures to stop them from buffing them. However it can be powerful if your creatures don't have hexproof yet or you just need a boost of life by kicking it.
Forced Adaptation is more just for stalled games. After you have an eidolon with ethereal and alpha authority, the enemy never wants to attack because you will outgain their damage. Yet you don't want to attack, because of the fear of double blocking killing your win condition. so this just grows him large enough it may make your decision easier.
Journey to Nowhere your main removal and control. this deck has decent tempo even without drawing what you need, but sometimes things just get out of hand too fast. Prison Term is similar, I don't know why i left it in, it always just seems to show up at the right time.
Rancor, Utopia Sprawl, Etheral Armor, Forced Adaptation, are a few examples of the cards you can use to cycle through your deck every turn with an enchantress. Don't be afraid of a board wipe, you will likely draw enough to replace what you lost. with 2 enchantresses and around 5 mana, you should be able to win. draw into a rancor and a couple ethereals is usually more than 20 trample first strike damage.
I am open to advice, I am still working on sideboard, and I'd like to keep this relatively budget friendly. There were a few cards i wanted to throw in that just shot the price up (shock land, that one enchantment tutor, ect.) But my goal was to make a fun modern deck for cheap so i can build another standard deck.
edit: Lifelink changed to Spirit Link to give the ability to use it on enemy creatures early game. And it stacks with eidolon.