Years back there was a pretty mid (but fun) deck in Standard called GWu Elf Storm. This deck aims to take characteristics of that deck and combine it with some of the broken good times you get out of a game of EDH. Abuse Galadriel ETB effects to keep the value rolling.

Gameplan: 1) Make mana dorks 2) Untap them with other dorks 3) Clone either of those dorks as needed those dorks 4) ??? 5) Win game

Technology: 1) Flicker things like Galadriel as needed to reset her state checked by the game, 2) The normal value engine (pod chain) has a branch which allows for Food Chain + Misthollow/Sourge + Ballista shenanigans. 3) As with 2), Biomancer Familiar/Training Ground + Emiel lines exist in the chain as well. 4) Don't underestimate creature beats, it's not the primary plan but it can surprise some decks.

Podstuff: Chain #1 - Food Chain Combo (no other tutor assistance) 1 CMC: Mana dork 2 CMC: Mana Dork/Cloud of Faeries 3 CMC: Moon-Blessed Cleric > fetch Food Chain 4 CMC: Misthollow Griffin [do Food Chain combo things, feel free to use this opportunity to ensure Galadriel is online]

Chain #2 - Food Chain Combo (With tutor assistance) Just turn any 2-drop into an eternal scourge. A possible line is: 1) Opponents end step enlightened tutor > Food Chain 2) Cast food chain and Pod any two drop into scourge [begin combo] Eldritch Evolution makes any one drop an Eternal Scourge as well.

Chain #3 - Emiel Basically the same as chain #1, so think of this as an audible. Instead of getting Food Chain, get Training Grounds. Instead of Misthollow Griffin, get Emiel.

Note that while none of these chains are direct win cons, there are paths to success. If you can't ballista someone for some reason coming off a pod line, utilize Galadriel's ability to pump the team and just hit people in the mouth. The flexibility here can help alleviate some of the silver bullets baked into EDH decks, so you can expect some resilience that combo decks can normally lack.


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95% Competitive

Date added 1 year
Last updated 1 year

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

23 - 0 Mythic Rares

53 - 0 Rares

8 - 0 Uncommons

8 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.05
Tokens Bird 2/2 U
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