
Fox voltron


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First major update, it's quite fast but I want to try out focusing on rule of law type effects plus her inherent 2-for-1 aura tutoring/attaching to break parity. A few other pieces to slow others down a bit that don't have any effect on this deck too.


+Angel's Grace Honestly thought this was already in the deck as I had fully intended to put it in but evidently I forgot: correcting that mistake.

+Doorkeeper Thrull This deck doesn't care about creature or artifact etbs, so it's one-sided.

+Hushbringer As above, one-sided.

+Grafdigger's Cage Can at least force graveyard shenanigans decks to look for artifact removal first.

+Skrelv, Defector Mite The final (for now) Mom, home at last.

+Shardmage's Rescue Great protection at flash speed.

+Sheltered by Ghosts Removal plus protection.

+Springleaf Drum With the added creatures this becomes a viable rock.

+Swift Reconfiguration Cheap, flash pseudo-removal that triggers Light-Paws

+Stony Silence Can prevent ridiculous artifact stuff

+Twinblade Blessing The newer flash replacement for Battle Mastery.

Law Effects: Everything below is being added for the same thing, to reduce the number of spells casts per turn to one per player. Between Light-Paws turning any aura into a second aura and plenty of auras with flash to take up our own allotted 'one spell' on other people's turns; breaking parity is very trivial.

+Archon of Emeria

+Deafening Silence

+Eidolon of Rhetoric

+Phyrexian Censor

+Rule of Law


-Angelic Destiny

-Battle Mastery

-Brilliant Restoration

-Cartouche of Solidarity

-Cho-Manno's Blessing



-Gift of Granite

-Military Discipline

-Open the Armory


-Search for Glory

-Sentinel's Eyes

-Sentinel's Mark

-Triclopean Sight

-Unquestioned Authority


95% Casual


Date added 7 months
Last updated 1 week

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 0 Mythic Rares

33 - 0 Rares

26 - 0 Uncommons

15 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 1.84
Ignored suggestions
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