This is my first attempt at making a deck. I want this to be a fun, fast way to win. The deck is a budget variant of the izzet blitz deck. The main goal of the deck is to get Kiln Fiend out turn 2, then turn 3, swing for lethal, I also have in Grapeshot as an alternate win condition. If you dont win fast, then there is Thing in the Ice
for late game, in case things get grindy. when you have the fiend out, you can easily combo out with the variety of free and cheap spells in my deck. i wanted to make the deck budget, so the mana base kind of suffers. all of the duel lands are either too expensive or come in tapped, so im just running an 8 of islands and mountains. This is a fast deck, so i decided to only play 16 lands, you really only need 2 lands for your combo, and to play the whole game. I love the deck though, because when you combo off, your opponent doesnt know what hit them. often times, if i cant find a kiln fiend (which is unlikely) i can get all the ice counters off thing in the ice on turn 3, which is insane.
The Combo
you can easily swing with a 20/4 Kiln Fiend on turn 3 with doublestrike and trample, and i think thats amazing. Its very consistent as well. Although, it takes a certain level of skill to know when to combo off, because this deck's main weakness, is that it has bad topdecks.
Temur Battle Rage- this is the backbone of the combo, it makes any attack lethal when play with pretty much any other spell on your fiend, especially against someone playing duel and shock lands.
Manamorphose/ Desperate Ritual- these are both free spells, and can help you cast other instants or sorcerys to make your fiend bigger or break out thing in the ice.
Mutagenic Growth- 2 life is super cheap for pumping up your fiend +5+2. it enables the combo, but it can also be used to dodge bolt and keep your fiend alive
end thoughtsI had a lot of fun making this deck, and i hope you enjoy it too, i am still working out everything for the deck, and if any of you guys have suggestions for the sideboard or better cards i should add in, please let me know. Thank you very much for checking out my deck, and i hope you like it!