This deck is pretty straightforward. A standard B/G snake deck, but with a few little changes to include Ghalta, Primal Hunger. The biggest difference between this deck and the more standard Constrictor lists is it doesn't use any energy, so instead of running away with a game with Glint-Sleeve Siphoner it just tries to make bigger bois, faster.
The dream curve for the deck is Winding Constrictor into Rishkar, Peema Renegade and then drop a turn 4 Ghalta, Primal Hunger. You can also get the big dino on turn 4 with Jadelight Ranger if you get a little lucky with your exploring. Under most circumstances you win the game right then and there.
So the list can obviously have extremely explosive starts, getting 20 to 26 power on the board by turn 4 (Constrictor into Rishkar into Ranger, tapping a creature for Mana with Rishkar and playing a 2 Mana Ghalta) but let's shy away from Christmas land, not all games will pan out that way. But that doesn't mean the rest of the deck doesn't hold up. The first thing you realize is that you won't be too sad to drop a 5-7 Mana Ghalta, Primal Hunger later in the game, especially with Blossoming Defense as protection from removal. Speaking of removal, we have some of the best in Fatal Push, Vraska's Contempt, Ravenous Chupacabra and even Walking Ballista. The deck is also capable of card filtering with exploring as well as generating card advantage just straight up with Ripjaw Raptor as well as in the form of 2 for 1's with Ravenous Chupacabra and Walking Ballista. It is also highly synergistic, with Winding Constrictor on the board your creatures become some of the most efficient threats in the format. Even a naked Verdurous Gearhulk can be game ending, putting 8 power on the board for 5 mana (reducing Ghalta, Primal Hunger to 4 Mana).
Whenever a deck can play super efficient removal, paired with high synergy/huge threats, is scary. It means that it can be very aggressive at times, and other times it can be conservative, grind out the game with removal until there is an opening to load the board up with huge Monsters, and alpha strike the opponent.
With the recent bannings snake is coming back. This list or a similar one is definitely something to keep an eye on.