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Gift of Bees




A lot of top tier modern decks are very expensive. I wanted to get into the format with a deck that was fun to play, reasonably competitive, and one that I could build on a budget and trade into more power over time.

I started the deck with a more basic mana base and without any Path to Exile which puts it below $100 to put together.

The current mana base is not finished, it's just the cards I have available right now.

So what is the deck all about? It is of course bees (hornet tokens). The basic plan is this:

Get a Hornet Nest down, then burn the crap out of it. This will fill the air with angry bees who will be all too happy to take your opponent out.

In general the deck wants you to get out a bunch of small creatures to reduce the cost of Blasphemous Act and increase the effectiveness of Chain Reaction. Before casting either of these, you want at least one of your three main utility creatures down:

Hornet Nest: This guy is absolutely hilarious, 13 flying deathtouch hornets really catches some people off guard (unsurprisingly).

Soulfire Grand Master: Gain 13*X life (where X is the number of creatures on the battlefield). Yes, always yes, forever yes.

Boros Reckoner: Wipe the board and deal 13 damage to their face? Sounds like a good deal to me.

Those effects are great on their own and are incredible when combined, especially when you have multiple Nests or Reckoners (two Reckoners and an Act is 26 damage to the face).

The last piece of the puzzle is Gift of Immortality. Stick this on pretty much any creature in the deck (except Elvish Mystic) and watch the value roll in. Putting it on Mogg War Marshall gives you a steady stream of goblins every turn (as you refuse to pay it's echo cost each time), Elvish Visionary gives you a great chump blocker with card advantage, and your three main utility creatures become incredibly annoying threats that your opponent absolutely must deal with.

All in all, this deck is super fun to play and genuinely quite effective, it's cheap to build and has lots of room for trading into upgrades.


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Date added 8 years
Last updated 8 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 0 Mythic Rares

29 - 1 Rares

8 - 14 Uncommons

11 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.84
Tokens Goblin 1/1 R, Insect 1/1 G w/ Flying, Deathtouch
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