Based on:
Godo Gifts by jduane181.
3-1, Magic Online Daily Event
2x Damnation
4x Thopter Foundry
4x Sword of the Meek
4x Time Sieve
The gist of this deck is to cast Gifts Ungiven. Notice the wording says "Up to 4 cards" and "opponent chooses 2 of them to go into the graveyard."
You cast Gifts Ungiven, find only Unburial Rites + large creature, then your opponent is forced to choose to put them into your graveyard. You then flash back Unburial Rites, dumping a game-ending creature into play. Usually, that creature is Iona, Shield of Emeria, which prevents your opponent from casting anything while she beats them in the face.
What's different about this list is the second creature. Normally, that would be Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite. However, there's a lot of control players in my area. Iona, Shield of Emeria doesn't do enough on her own against 3-color control decks. Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite becomes just a beat stick. Sun Titan is okay, but it doesn't really end the game. By grabbing Godo, Bandit Warlord, I also tutor up a Batterskull and put it into play. Now my opponent has to kill 2 threats: a 3/3 that attacks twice and a 4/4 with vigillance...that attacks twice if Godo, Bandit Warlord isn't killed.
There's also another package of Crucible of Worlds, Academy Ruins, and Trading Post. No matter which 2 my opponent chooses, I'm going to get all 3 of them in play. This creates things like Ghost Quarter locks, board wipes every turn with Engineered Explosives, etc. Or an impossible to kill Batterskull.
The other significant change is this list cuts green in favor of red. Typically, Gifts Ungiven has so many different options that you want 4 colors so you have a wide variety of things to choose from. A lot of lists choose green for the mana ramp, Abrupt Decay, Maelstrom Pulse, sometimes Tarmogoyf, and so on. Red, on the other hand, gives far cheaper and more efficient removal. It also lets you play the deck just like you would Jeskai control of smacking your opponent with a Snapcaster Mage a few times before you burn them to death with a bunch of Lightning Bolts. Snapcaster Mage, Lingering Souls, Lightning Bolt, and Lightning Helix can make for another game-ending Gifts Ungiven.