Turn 1: Mountain, Legion Loyalist, attack if possible
Turn 2: Mountain,
Goblin Wardriver
, attack if possible
Turn 3: Mountain, Goblin Chieftain, attack if possible
Turn 4: Mountain, 2x Goblin Bushwhacker (kicked) or 2x
Goblin Wardriver
, attack with all creatures (25 damage, trample, first strike)
Warren Instigator is nice in combination with
Goblin King
or Goblin Chieftain! If Warren Instigator isn't blocked and it deals damage to a player in the first damage step, you can put
Goblin King
or Goblin Chieftain on the battlefield before the second damage step begins!
Watch out for opponents
Goblin King
gives his edge to ever(!) Goblin on the battlefield!
Goblin Bushwhacker should be kicked to attack with more damage and haste.
Goblin Grenade deals 1/4 damage (of 20 life) and can also be used to kill strong creatures.
Every Goblin pushes each other.
This deck has easy handling.