Totally forgot that this website existed. Haha. Anyways, I updated the decklist to what I currently run.
Also, last Sunday ( 08/04 ) I finished 4-0. Here were my match ups:
~Round 1~ Vs. Some janky Red/Blue burn. Nothing really to say, 2-0 easy.
~Round 2~ Vs. Some janky artifact deck. It was really weird and kinda scared me. 2-1 with a dash of concern.
~Round 3~ Vs. Affinity. He had Stoneforge Mystics as well. It's sad to see a turn 1 play that is so much better than my own. He practically dropped his whole hand. Game 1 was a loss, but games 2 and 3 were in my favor thanks to Sideboard. Pyrokinesis and Shattering Spree did a lot of work those games. 2-1 scary.
~Round 4~ Vs. Shardless BUG. First time encountering this deck. Game 1 was very bad. I kept a one land hand with Lackey, but his turn 1 play was a Deathrite Shaman. So I sat there and looked very stupid. Game 2: Pyrokinesis again! It got rid of all the dumb little creatures I encountered, including early Tarmogoyfs. I smashed him with 3 Piledrivers and 2 Warchiefs on the field. Game 3: He Abrupt Decay's my turn 1 Aether Vial and the turn 2 one as well. Then turn 3 I play Magus of the Moon, and I called human on my Cavern of Soul in case he had any counter magic. He scooped, saying he had nothing to do. 2-1 XD.