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Only the worthy one will remain. Basicly its a mono Wrath of God deck.
Card draw come from the combo with Well of Lost Dreams .
Basicly the lifegain is for staying alive and give the oppotunity to draw card, digging in your deck for the wipe you need or the Condemn.
Artifact --
Pristine Talisman :auto draw when you tap it or mana source if you need it.
Chalice of Life
: Basicly its one of the win conditions and also a draw/ substain mechanic.
Well of Lost Dreams: key card for the combo of the deck , you can lie without it, but your life will be humble and miserable as 1 card draw/turns and you can be stuck on mana. One of the problem is i dont run tutor but im not sure i need it . The Well of Lost Dreams is not a victory condition , or control and isn't a part of any of this its only a enabler of THE TRIGGER PARTY.
Elixir of Immortality: a delayed 3 mana heal, turn one drop or easy 1 mana to cast spell, basicly it's for keep you out of milling in the draw engine that deck produce. You will drain the deck form the land and artefact and soon you will only have control awsner to draw. Also a decent 5 hp that can save you or make a good draw mid/lategamne.
The 2 major
win conditions
Luminarch Ascension (dangerous to play in multiplayer) and Chalice of Death
Alternate win con are :
1-giant avatar of life cretaure produce by [[card:Ajani Goldmane].
2.: The boredoom of your enemy as you wipe his bord ,control the game and draw like hell, or when you heal up the last 2 last attack phase they throw at your face for the cost of card you put back into your library and replay.
The deck is week and have easy counter, destroyed by control.
I am looking to cut the Elspeth, Sun's Champion, the Ajani Goldmane and probably the Nyx-Fleece Ram.
Id like to have feedback, suggestion and your idea about the deck . Thanks