Hey all - this is a new deck I'm trying out.
The basic premise is pounding down creatures that either replace themselves or give instant value on the battlefield. Additionally, they're multicolored, so the lands are actually simpler than first expected. Get's hosed by BloodMoon, but we got outs for that too.
I could actually use help with the specific outs for this deck actually, but more on that later.
First, the lands --
This deck plays with a suite of multicolor matters lands
Pillar of the Paruns
-- This card is the backbone of our deck - it lest us cast
Siege Rhino
as well as
Bloodbraid Elf
with style - along with it's best friends
Reflecting Pool
- which can tap for all colors when next the Pillars or Ancient Zigguraut - which lets us tap for any color when casting creatures.
xxxxxthe lands are rounded off with 4
Aether Hub
s to go with the
Rogue Refiner
in the deckxxxxx
This has been changed to 4
Mana Confluence
s, as for casting mantis rider on turn 3, aether only barely did it. This might change back judging by how often I need that one colored mana, and how often I get over-run by having that life loss.
City of Brass
as well as 22 lands was a better place to be
( and help reflecting pool) and 2 plains and 2
s with a
Windswept Heath
to fetch either. This is mainly so we have the mana avaliable to get down our quasali pridemates to deal with BloodMoons.
(I might need some help on making that line of synergy more direct, as right now it's pretty clunky.)
This brings me to our creature suite - Every one of these creatures either draw a card to replace themselves or are extremely resilient - or just plain don't care about removal. Addinitally, sicne they're all multicolor, they can become real threats with the addition of
Knight of New Alara
Siege Rhino
Mr. big value himself. Not much more to say about him, stick him, then turn him sideways - you arent trying to protect your guys ( unless you have a large voice elemental ) and the trample can keep the pressure on.
Bloodbraid Elf
Cascade into whatever you want - anything you hit is good in this deck.
Knight of New Alara
The beautiful lady who makes your dinky 2 mana coiling oracle into a 33 for 2 mana that draws or ramps you - turns RR into a 5/4 - kitchen finks into a madman. She's just a fun lady.
Kitchen Finks
hard to kill and makes you hard to kill
Coiling Oracle
draws a card or ramps you - is also a fantastic early game chump blocker.
Spell Queller
blocks their spells, and becomes a very good 4/5 or just 4/3 in the air - with remval they get a bit ahead, but it's still a good mid game card. -- TESTING STAGE --
Reflector Mage
Sometimes that one bounce is all you need to swing through - and that tempo bonus can be really useful. -- TESTING STAGE --
Voice of Resurgence
Great for eating removal, as he's never really gone, and hopefully they try to counter your things while he's out.
Rogue Refiner
Draws you a card, and gives you energy for the Hub. on a 3/2 body, I've had it trade upwards almost every time.
Flex creature slots --
Currently I'm also playing
Mantis Rider
a 3/3 Vig/fly/haste is really good curve for our deck - as the only worry is bolt. otherwise, it swinging as a 6/6 with Our Lady Alara out - can't be that bad. certainly the flex slot, as it doesn't actually do anything unless it gets to attack the turn we put it down, but then again, they basically have to have an instant kill - gets around push too. I've considered trading for
Lightning Angel
but the 4 slot is already pretty clogged.
Athreos, God of Passage
In playing this guy out, he really gives our throw-away creatures even more redundancy - they kill your selkie, they take 3, or you get to just cast is again and draw a card - once again, flex because he doesn't do anything when he hits the field, but a good enabler for everything else - basically a panharmonicon for our creatures.
Those are open to change.
in - 2
Civic Saber
in - 2
Maelstrom Pulse
Now, we get into the real meat and potatoes of the deck -
Glittering Wish
This card changes our sideboard from a game 2 and 3 changer to a game 1 changer. It also lets us tudor for the best cards in our deck - assuming they're in the sideboard.
That's where I need the help of you all - I'm trying to find the correct split of cards I want in the sideboard to be tutorable, while also having a robust mainboard.
currently my sideboard is just a mish-mash of multicolored answers for different decks.
Gaddock Teeg
This is for the jaces that have been running about, and any big control matchups
Anafenza, the Foremost
Graveyard creature decks hate her - but - she might be too slow for the goryo and such decks. basically for dredge and living end.
Dryad Militant
for storm and other such comb decks. Sometimes just good against snapcaster decks too.
Meddling Mage
You know...
Rest is basically flex.