Changed my pauper songs deck from jund to sultai colors.
changed to golgari colors
the traditional gameplan of songs + crypt rats combo is still there, the "plan b" beatdown plan is still also there.
What sultai provides:
Architects of Will
- a successfully cast architect targeting your opponents library after a crypt rats board wipe will greatly shift the game in your favor.
- helps to rebuild hand especially if going on plan b. mulldrifter evoke >
Pit Keeper
get back mulldrifter > or
pit keeper get back mulldrifter, will surely give us a huge card advantage.
counterspells - having access to blue give us an option to add counterspell in the sideboard may it be in the form of
Sideboarding (to be updated)
first, i would like to identify the flex slots of the deck, this cards are the first one to go out when sideboarding:
Fume Spitter
x1 - out against control, bogles, burn and big aggro decks such as slivers and affinity
Crypt Rats
x1 - out against control and burn
Gnaw to the Bone
x1 - out against control and infect
Moment's Peace
x1 - out against control and burn
Street Wraith
x1 - out against burn or fast aggro deck such as goblins
-to be updated-
suggestions and comments are very much appreciated, kindly also share your sideboarding plans incase you play the same archetype. thank you!!!