Golos Discord Server https://discord.gg/dDftZwK
Why Golos?
Golos is your standard infinite mana outlet in the command zone commander. However Golos is 5-colour, giving us access to only the BEST cards available in the format. Not to mention when hardcasted and activated he can outvalue your opponents to help win the game.
yeah, yeah, but T&T?
While obviously Thrasios and Tymna will be more viable commanders, the availability of red gives us some more compact win conditions that doesnt sacrifice any additional colours. Red also gives some utility cards like
and now the explosive card that is
Dockside Extortionist
but it mainly allows our wincons to be easily compacted and allows them to synergise.
The Game Plan
As with most decks, the primary win condition will be the combination of
Protean Hulk
to assemble a game winning combo. In this deck, with what golos does, our combos will involve generating infinite mana. Unfortunately this does limit us to main phase wins only. (Unless
Walking Ballista
is on the field)
The best part about this deck is its variety and high number of options. The deck allows for an extremely small amount of dead slots while giving you compact hulk piles that are easy enough to assemble after an
Ad Nauseam
With an Average CMC of 1.58 at the moment, you will often be winning after the
Ad Nauseam
resolves. The large amount of tutors and fast mana should allow you to assemble, Bomberman or even the "Temur Hulk" Pile that I will talk about shortly.
Currently you have multiple options. 1.
Jace, Wielder of Mysteries
, play and uptick, pretty simple. 2. "Twister" Loops using
Memory's Journey
Noxious Revival
, you can loop
Swan Song
Assassin's Trophy
to destroy all permanents and make an infinite number of birbs as well as gaining infinite life with
Nature's Claim
(only if sorcery speed). The downside of this combo is that you lose all the Sorcery speed spells and lands from your deck and will have to use Memory's Journey to put up to 7 instants back into your library in order to not deck out (again, only during instant speed wins}. Option number 3 is an odd one but
Walking Ballista
. There are quite a few reasons I have decided to test walking ballista in this build so I should mention that it is a way to win in this deck post hulk. Unfortunately there isnt a way to bring him in at instant speed (because flash doesnt work how i wanted it to) so you will have to cast him for X=0 (due to alternate casting costs) and then Noxious revival it back and then tutor for it with a spell like
Demonic Tutor
Eladamri's Call
to return it to hand. You can then cast it for X= an arbitrarily large amount and thanos snap all your opponents to death.
Hulk Piles and Combos
Primary Combo #1 (Temur Hulk):
Vigean Graftmage
Incubation Druid
Torch Courier
Incubation Druid
enters the battlefield, Graft one of the counters onto it. Sacrifice
Torch Courier
to give
Incubation Druid
haste and then tap for three blue mana, activate
Vigean Graftmage
to untap it, then repeat for infinite blue mana. If you dont already have all 5 colours available to you, cast
Golos, Tireless Pilgrim
from the command zone to go tutor for
Command Tower
. Incubation Druid can now tap for all colours, use your infinite blue to filter into infinite of every other colour. Activate Golos to exile library. Then use either
Jace, Wielder of Mysteries
Loops using
Assassin's Trophy
Swan Song
or even
Walking Ballista
to win the game.
Backup Combo #1 (Bomberman):
Goblin Engineer
Auriok Salvagers
Walking Ballista
Goblin Engineer
enters the battlefield, search your library for
Lion's Eye Diamond
and put it into your graveyard. Then pay 1W to activate
Auriok Salvagers
and return
Lion's Eye Diamond
to your hand. This produces infinite mana at the cost of discarding your hand. It is recommended you only do this after casting
. You can also add
Walking Ballista
to this hulk pile and then recur ballista after your infinite mana is created. You will do this combo if you need to hold open a next turn upkeep win through a
Teferi's Protection
or an
Angel's Grace
. This combo can also be done to win if golos was stolen in some way.
Backup Combo #2 (Dramatic Scepter):
Goblin Engineer
Torch Courier
Goblin Engineer
enters the battlefied, search your library for
Isochron Scepter
Dramatic Reversal
respectively. Give
Goblin Engineer
haste and then return
Isochron Scepter
to the battlefield, Imprinting
Dramatic Reversal
. If your rocks produce atleast 3 mana and one is coloured, then you create infinite mana. You should know how to win from there. OUTDATED COMBO BUT IS STILL POSSIBLE
Single Card Discussion
Ad Nauseam
: While it is rare to see this card in FlashHulk decks, it is a key strategy to this deck and easily enables its win conditions. Our average CMC is 1.58 meaning it is almost guaranteed we will win the turn of or the turn after an Ad nauseam. A common line will be to find Silence (either draw or tutor for it) after the ad nauseam and then assemble a safe bomberman.
Dark Ritual
: Running dark ritual may seem odd in a 5 colour deck but its synergy with
Ad Nauseam
is far too great. casting it as early as turn 3 with just dark ritual is incredibly powerful as well as dark ritual post naus allowing us to net 2 mana for 1 card.
Walking Ballista
: Ballista is generally outlawed in cEDH unless you have a strategy with
Mikaeus, the Unhallowed
. However in this deck it is usable as a backup wincondition. Very few hulk decks include a pile that assembles bomberman, however as we have this package ballista fits in the pile quite easily and can then win the game with Auriok Salvager recurring it from the graveyyard. It is an alternative to if Golos is stolen somehow or if
Jace, Wielder of Mysteries
is somehow removed from the deck.
Winning at Instant Speed
Whats that? You want to win at instant speed? You gotcha!!! Assuming Golos is in play (and has fetched a rainbow land) we can generate our average temur hulk pile to generate infinite mana.
- Cast
Protean Hulk
. Fetching
Incubation Druid
Vigean Graftmage
Torch Courier
. Generate Infinite mana and then exile your library with golos.
Assassin's Trophy
targetting an opponents land. Cast
Memory's Journey
shuffling trophy back into your library. Cast
Noxious Revival
Memory's Journey
back on top then exile the top 3 with golos. Repeat this process except you shuffle noxious revival back in with Journey this time. Then repeat this process with
Swan Song
to make infinite birds. You may also cast Silence and any number of counterspells to stop whats happening as you start this combo.
Then you do the Memory Journey loop as previously mentioned. Once the loop is completed you need to select what 7 instants you would like to keep to concrete your win. I would reccomend "Assassins Trophy, Noxious Revival,
Dovin's Veto
Mana Drain
Force of Will
. Once decided make sure Memorys journey and noxious revival are both exiled with Golos or in hand. Cast all the spells youu plan on keeping (aside from noxious revival) while holding priority and finish it with flusterstorm countering all of the spells and fizzling dovins veto. Now your library is empty and you have 6 instants in your graveyard.
Cast Memorys Journey shuffling Silence, Force of Will and Flusterstorm into your library. Then Cast Noxious Revival returning Memorys Journey to the top. Exile the top 3 with Golos.
If you exile FOW and Silence: Cast silence and counter it with FOW
If you exile FOW and Fluster: When you cast memorys journey, counter it with FOW then counter FOW with Flusterstorm.
If you exile Silence and Fluster: Cast Silence and counter it with Fluster.
This will leave you with 1 card in your library and 6 cards in your graveyard. Now you just cast memorys Journey twice using its flashback ability. This leaves with a group of 7 cards in your library that should be able to protect your win for the next turn rotation.
Cards to Consider
Devoted Druid
Vizier of Remedies
Torch Courier
Orochi Leafcaller
This potential hulk piles is a way to make infinite rainbow mana using some cards that we already run in the deck.
Demonic Consultation
Tainted Pact
are both ways to win the game with
Jace, Wielder of Mysteries
but also help find combo pieces.
: This card allows us to use
loops at instant speed assuming Golos is already on the battlefield.
Force of Vigor
: this card should be played in more staxy metas that run cards like
Blood Moon
Back to Basics
Chain of Vapor
: A meta call really, could swap this for
Natural State
Isochron Scepter
Dramatic Reversal
: Now cut from the deck you can re add it if you need to. Make sure your mana rocks are sufficient to power it.
Lightning Bolt
: Good removal spell, low cmc and is loopable to win the game that turn at instant speed. Overall a good choice.
Mystical Dispute
: If your meta is full of blue this is an option to counter their blue spells for a very low cmc.
Dack Fayden
: Good against other stormy Ad Nauseam decks to steal their mana rocks and help you go off faster
Budget Options
Force of Will
: You may swap Force of will for a cheap counterspell such as
Spell Pierce
or other interaction like
Veil of Summer
Mana Drain
: This may be swapped for
Imperial Seal
: This slot is quite hard to replace considering its cost. You could run some meta dependant hate in this slot or potentially some of the worse tutors like
Finale of Devastation
Sylvan Tutor
Mana Crypt
: can be swapped for
Mana Vault
Lion's Eye Diamond
: if the Bomber man package is being removed consider the
Devoted Druid
combo mentioned above. This will involve cutting
Auriok Salvagers
and potentially
Walking Ballista
Noble Hierarch
: Some sort of other ramp piece,
Priest of Titania
Sakura-Tribe Scout
Change Log
Mox Opal
Mana Vault
Memory's Journey
Isochron Scepter
Chain of Vapor
Dramatic Reversal
Dockside Extortionist
Fellwar Stone
Arcane Signet
Chain of Vapor
Lightning Bolt
Auriok Salvagers
Thassa's Oracle
Lion's Eye Diamond
Hermit Druid
Goblin Engineer
Demonic Consultation
Cyclonic Rift
Tainted Pact
Walking Ballista
Wild Cantor
Jace, Wielder of Mysteries
Angel's Grace