Upon arrival, I showed my brew to a friend and he helped me tweak the list slightly. Mainly the sideboard, which I added 4 Fevered Visions for the long grindy matchups.
Round 1: vs Abzan Seasons Past (2-0)
This was an interesting deck that was basically Jon Finkel's GB Seasons past deck, splashing white for Anguished Unmaking and some sideboard cards. I got destroyed in the first game. He had answers for all of my threats and was able to grind me out with man-lands. In games two and three, I sided out my Thing in the Ice
Flip's in favor of Fevered Visions, as well as taking out as many of my creatures as possible for counter magic. Fevered Visions got me the win in both game, though game 3 came down to a Sorin, Grim Nemesis flip, with me on 1 life.
Round 2: vs GB Midrange (0-2)
Despite me playing awfully, I was valued out by Den Protector's and Deathmist Raptor's. I didn't really have any ability to keep up with the value engine. Game 2, I was destroyed by keeping a sketchy hand. 2 land, with an Anticipate and a Tormenting Voice seemed fine at the time. Turn 1: Duress, turn 2: Duress, turn 3: Den Protector morphed, turn 4: flip Den Protector, Duress took care of that. Was stuck on three lands until turn 6 and lost.
Round 3: vs Mono-white Humans (2-0)
Probably the best matchup I could have. When I built this deck I had Bant company in mind. If my deck had a bad matchup against company game one, It wasn't worth playing. With 2 main deck Radiant Flames, two more in the side and 3 Rending Volley's, I was easily able to sit back with a Thing in the Ice
Flip and just wipe the board. The only game I played where I can honestly say, Thing in the Ice
Flip worked wonders. More on this in the recap.
Round 4: vs UR Tempo (2-1)
Probably the most fun game of magic I have had in a long time. All three games were very swingy. So much happened in these games, it is hard to really recap key points of interest. Jace, unraveller of secrets really helped here, being able to keep drawing into gas, and Secure the Wastes was a real game winner.
So, given what I learnt, I have decided that Thing in the Ice
Flip needs to go.... temporarily. I am going to try a version of this deck that is trying to present immediate threats. Thing in the Ice
Flip only seemed to do anything in matchups where there wasn't much removal on the other side. Its nice to think of it as a card that makes your opponent use removal, but a turn 2 Thing in the Ice
Flip will die easily. I'd rather leave up mana for Anticipate or Lightning Axe in the early turns. It is a really bad topdeck later on, and just sits there. I am going to try out some cards in its place, mainly Dragonmaster Outcast as a one or two of. All in all though, it was a good day. I will update the sideboard when I get round to testing some more.