Land based deck to utilize many of the new origins cards.
Some gerneral big hitters to swing home the game.
Zendikar Incarnate - I just really want to use this, she (mother earth kinda thing?) seems like she should be a fun card and has the potential to swing way above curve as the game progresses.
Stormbreath Dragon - A blast from the past, I haven't seen him played much, but he definitely can hit and counteract opposing dragons.
Genesis Hydra - comes in strong and yanks out another permanent with him.
Managorger Hydra - gets big if left unchecked from my spells and my opponent's.
Temur Battle Rage - double strike trample big thing game.
Crater's Claws - if all else fails, I can still burn them out.
Why play on curve when you can get ahead?
Atarka's Command - Early game burn and bonus land on the battlefield, late game anti-lifegain and bonus damage / dragon killer
Animist's Awakening - Its like Boundless Realms... but potentially cheaper and less consistent... There is however, the spell mastery which can definitely be put to good use. (Ramp land and cast a beater? Sign me up!)
Sword of the Animist - I really want to equip this to Zendikar Incarnate. He gets bigger for swinging in! What more can you ask for?
Courser of Kruphix - Rips lands off the top of the deck and gains me life. Enough said.
Land Sacrifice
If I'm going to have all these lands anyway, might as well put them to use in more than one way
Magmatic Insight - Draw power in . I'll do it.
Molten Vortex - Lands become shocks. Seems good.
Hammer of Purphoros - Mostly here because haste is awesome, but it also lets me use my lands that are just sitting around and put them to work.
Aggressive Mining - between Atarka's Command, Sword of the Animist, and Animist's Awakening we can get around not 'playing' lands but rather, putting them on the field. In addition to this, we can pitch ones in hand to Molten Vortex and Magmatic Insight. This mostly leaves us with the beneficial option of sacrificing a land for a bit more draw power.
Notes of Interest
In playtesting I seem to like to shoot myself in the foot. I generally try to Magmatic Insight turn 1 and get rid of my 3rd land in hand, expecting to hit lands in the draw and resultingly miss land drops in turns 3 of 4 or scre myself out of a turn 2 Atarka's Command. One should act more conservatively when using that card.
Animist's Awakening's spell mastery ability will untap scry lands hit by it as the land enters the battlefield first, and then you are told to untap it.
Comments, suggestions, and +1s always welcome