This is more of a deck that is risky, with some very risky choices. Instead of going the traditional burn way, I've created a deck that I want to test and see if it's good. Many of the aspects of a normal burn deck are there, but there are a few major changes. One is that the deck sort of revolves around Soulfire Grandmaster, a new card from Fate Reforged. It's a card with high potential and I want to see it work.

Lightning Bolt: Probably the best burn spell we have. I don't think I need to explain.
Searing Blood: I chose this over Searing Blaze because it is better in my opinion. Even with fetches, we won't be hitting a land every turn, so the blaze can be inconsistent. Searing Blood typically gets us a 2-for-1, and is basically a Lightning Bolt and a Shock rolled into one. Not to mention it gains you 5 life off of the Grand Master, which is the most out of any burn spell in the maindeck.
Goblin Guide: Do I even really have to explain him? Just being a one CMC 2/2 with haste is good enough, and the downside isn't that big of a deal.
Monastery Swiftspear: Like the Goblin Guide, this guy is extremely powerful for one CMC, but unlike him, the swiftspear is still good in the mid to late game, as it grows the more burn spells we play.
Guttersnipe: You don't usually see this in a modern deck. I personally think he's super powerful. Pyromancer's Swath is super cool without all the downside, so let's give it a 2/2 body and make the ability better! Lightning Bolt now hits for 5. Now if you have to hit a creature with your burn spells, you still hit the opponent.
Monastery Mentor: I don't really know if he fits with the deck, but it seems ok. Monastery Swiftspear has shown us burn players how powerful prowess can be, so pumping out tokens with prowess is great. Not to mention that he has prowess as well. It's not uncommon that you play more than one spell in a turn and the tokens can get huge.
Soulfire Grand Master: This card is really fun (except for your opponents). It turns all your bolts into Lightning Helix and gains you a bunch of life. The second ability doesn't happen too often, but if you can do it it's really powerful.
Cradle of Vitality: We want to take advantage of the Grand Master as much as possible, so this is the right way to go. It pumps up the grand master, or any other creatures you have. This allows it to swing and for you to gain even more life, or for it to survive something like Anger of the Gods from the sideboard.
Ajani's Pridemate: This guy's only good with the grand master out. But when it is, it's amazing. Like I said earlier: It's not uncommon for you to play multiple burn spells in a turn. That will give the pridemate multiple counters, and if you swing with the Grand Master it gets even more.
Lightning Helix: It helps with the pridemate and the Cradle, as well as functioning great on its own. It can swing the game in your favor, as it's a 6 point life swing, and is very versatile.
Magma Jet: Scry is incredibly useful. We don't want to be mana ramped, or mana screwed. This helps ease your worries of that.
Boros Charm: Very versatile. It can act as a decent burn spell, help with attacking, help with blocking, or protect my creatures for two mana.
Eidolon of the Great Revel: With all of the life we're gaining, it doesn't matter as much if we're losing it. Most of the format is less than three mana, so we're going to be hitting our opponents for even more.
Lava Spike
Rift Bolt
: Essentially our extra copies of Lightning Bolt.
That's the deck! If you like it please upvote it!
Here's the standard version: Grand Master of Burn.