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Green Aggressive



The purpose of this deck is to determine if my White/Red Innistrad/Return-to-Ravnica Standard deck is worth keeping together. **UPDATE: I've kept it together as as "No-Rares" aggressive deck to see how fast it can be.

I ask this question because green offers so many more 3/3s for 2 mana that are commons/uncommons and easily accessible to newer players. This means my deck can be consistent without being too powerful for the group. Maybe I can make it my most efficient deck and expand the card pool to "Legacy Casual"?

I don't want it to be too powerful for my casual playgroup, yet my strategy must be capable of handling the decks relying on one of the following:

Soul Warden, Rancor, Lightning Bolt and/or Lightning Helix, Boros Reckoner, Master of the Feast, Lingering Souls, an early Giant Adephage or other large monster such as Thunderbreak Regent.


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Adding Leatherback Baloth for its size and Curse of Predation to grow my team really help end the casual games. The permanent growth given by the Curse has been essential about 50%-75% of the time it is cast. Curse of Predation also gives the deck some much-needed multiplayer functionality.


Date added 11 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is Casual legal.

Rarity (main - side)

28 - 0 Uncommons

10 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.84
Folders 60-Card Casual
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