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Grisel Cannon, ENRAGED! Mk0 (for public archives)

Modern* Combo Competitive Reanimator





I wanted to try and make a modern deck, and Griselbrand's Glass Cannon was the first modern deck-type I was attracted to. The popular Glass Cannon Vengeance (Turn 1 Win), and Grisel Cannon (turn 1 win) were decks I used to understand how to get started. Then, I did a bunch of research and testing and then made my own iteration which is a far cry from where I started. (10/9/13: Deck was completed)

If you like this but want to see a different style of build, you can try something just as wreckless but a little more heavenly, Bubblebeam with Bruna, Light of Alabaster (I put my own list of Bubblebeam together and gave it to a friend, I've also started to put together another for Narset, Enlightened Master). I enjoyed this different spin so I wanted to share it, its more budget friendly too, but only by a little.

Now lets play! Here are the steps and the main pieces of the deck, General rule of thumb, if it doesn't draw or enable a win, we don't want it in an opening hand.

Grisel to the Grave

1. Faithless Looting
2. Lightning Axe
3. Lotleth Troll
4. Thoughtseize
5. Passing Turn to discard
6. Izzet Charm

You can use any of these strategies to move one of the bombs into the graveyard to reanimate later.

Of Might and Mana

1. Land
2. Simian Spirit Guide
3. Chancellor of the Tangle

You need to be able to meet the requirement of at least 3 mana do to combo on turn 1, otherwise at least 2 mana producers and have met step one already.

Now that your Cannon is loaded
Superbrand Returns

1. Goryo's Vengeance
2. Footsteps of the Goryo (recently moved to side)

Use either of these to reanimate.
Fast and Furious: ENRAGED

1. Griselbrand and his activated ability
2. Borborygmos Enraged and his triggered combat damage

Now that we've reanimated, we can attempt to win, or just win. we can do things with Nicol Bolas here as well, but it almost requires to also have a Troll out too.

DOUBLE TAP pew pew pew pew pew pew
Big Finish

1. Assault Strobe
2. Fury of the Horde
3. Land
4. Lightning Bolt

All of these things just increase the damage we can output while revealing less cards as we play. If it is at all possible to win without Assault Strobe and we know it, its better not to play it on game one, and occasionally game 2. Game three there are no more rules, play everything,

Attention to detail
---Any card that is Red is a candidate for Fury of the Horde's alternate mana cost
---Manamorphose not only fixes mana from Chancellor of the Tangle or offset lands, but it pretty much makes the deck 56 cards instead of 60, and is also a safe play against Blood Moon.
---In the unlikely event that we can't win, Nicol Bolas is that singleton safeguard that will just chew up your opponent's hand, giving you turns, mana, and card advantage to recover and stabilize.---A lot of the time, you can and will cast on your main phase to try and keep the game, or put it in your favor. However, remember that you can also cast Goryo's Vengeance at the beginning of your opponent's end step, and whatever you reanimate will stick around until the NEXT end step.

Forbidden Orchard+Goryo's Vengeance + Griselbrand + Lightning Axe
Faithless Looting + Goryo's Vengeance + Griselbrand
Goryo's Vengeance + Griselbrand + Thoughtseize
Goryo's Vengeance + Griselbrand + Izzet Charm

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Revision 1 See all

(6 years ago)

+4 Fury of the Horde main
-4 Fury of the Hordes main
+1 Sylvan Caryatid maybe
-1 Sylvan Caryatid maybe
Date added 10 years
Last updated 6 years
Key combos

This deck is not Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

12 - 0 Mythic Rares

23 - 6 Rares

13 - 4 Uncommons

11 - 5 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.09
Tokens Spirit 1/1 C
Folders Deck Ideas I Like, Dorotheus's Modern
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