Grixis Control Deck - kills with AEtherling, Stormbreath Dragon and Rakdos's Return for 20+ with Liliana of the Dark Realms. Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver is still a threat.Suggestions and help needed and appreciated. :)
Card Description:
AEtherling - win condition for every control deck
Stormbreath Dragon - great all around finisher
Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver - holds off aggro decks, pressures control to deal with him or get their hand exiled
Liliana of the Dark Realms - A curveball for the opponent. Not seeing her as a threat, they'll likely leave her alone, while she's not that bad - fetches shock lands, removes threats (although at a very high cost) and kills with Rakdos's Return. I prefer this to Ral Zarek.
Jace, Architect of Thought - vital for every control deck, and very versatile.
- no need to explain that one
Opportunity - the closest thing to Sphinx's Revelation that a Grixis player can obtain. Three copies will be a bit too much though.
- with Liliana's emblem this card is effective in the late game, and early on it can help against aggro decks
Izzet Charm - great card. Kills small threats early on or lets you dig for the right spell.
Anger of the Gods - boardwipe, exiles
Chandra's Phoenix
. Mulligan until I have it against aggro decks.
Hero's Downfall - best removal spell in the meta right now.
Dreadbore - cheaper version of the former, on account of the aggro-heavy meta
Mizzium Mortars - kills Blood Baron of Vizkopa, could be overloaded against Elspeth, Sun's Champion to kill tokens. Great against midrange decks.
Thoughtseize - every control deck should be running this card. Side out against weenie aggro decks.
Rakdos's Return - kills with Liliana of the Dark Realms, disrupts the opponent's hand, absolutely great card, without even mentioning the flavor.
Anger of the Gods - against aggro/tokens
Counterflux - against control, use it to counter their win conditions
Cyclonic Rift - stalls opponents early on, or can be overloaded for a clean boardwipe. Not to mention the synergy with Thoughtseize and Rakdos's Return
Doom Blade - extra removal, kills Master of Waves for two mana
Jace, Memory Adept
- a little twist to surprise and occupy our control opponent, even if he doesn't mill to death, milling a control deck even for 20 is crucial.
Rakdos's Return - more control, more damage, more Grixis
Slaughter Games - another tool that Esper or American control decks don't have. If played the right way this could win you the game.
Pithing Needle
- no explanation needed i think
Thoughtseize - similarly to Rakdos's Return, the only reason this is in the sideboard is that the mainboard is full.