at its best when,
1st turn : Thoughtseize,
2nd turn : instant removal( izzet charm, magma jet, turn/burn), to make way for ashiok
3rd turn : ashiok, anger of the gods (if aggro)
4th turn : Jace / Ral Zaarek
Thoughtseize - one mana soccery, to know what kind of deck your opponent playing, important for planning the how to play the game.
Izzet charm - undderated card, early gamecounter important non creature spells eg. planeswalker, enchantment or artifact, remove small creatures, and for late game draw and discard.
Magma jet - removes small creature, late game for scry,
Turn burn - burn removes small creature at early game, able to destroy big & indestructible creature and 5 mana instant eg. gods
Hero's downfall - straightforward card
Ashiok - for control exile top 2 until able to do his third abilities, for aggro 2nd ability to play creature for blocking, or to distract opponent from attacking you
Anger of the gods - board wipe best for aggro, and voice of the resurgence, exiles creature
Counterflux - the best card against control decks, eg, esper or blue white.
Far / Away - slows down opponent, away help to remove difficult to answer creature, eg blood baron, misscutter hydra, hexproofs
Ral zarek - 1st ability help in mana fixing, untap creature for master of cruelties to attack, tap permanents, and 2nd ability to add burn damage to creature + (magma jet,burn, izzet charm), 3rd ability for multiple turn ( best when you have multiple planeswalker on battlefield)
Pronostic sphinx - for better control at late game, digging answers
Master of cruelties - best blocker for aggro, midrange decks, this will bring fear to your opponent
Jace - slows down aggro, and makesure hands full for control
Inspiration/opportunity - for draws cards
Rakdos return - let your opponent cry with no hands
Cyclonic rift- only one card in this deck, meant to overload, game changer
Aetherling - ultimate win con!
against control : slaughtergames, thoughtseize, pithing needle, negate
against aggro : anger of the gods, doomblade, dark betrayal
midrange : doom blade, amster of cruelties , dark betrayal