Now that the Aether Revolt and Kaladesh standard season is over hopefully ahmonket will bring us new and flavorful cards to test out. I finished the aether revolt standard season with 7 top 2 finishes or better, leaving me very confidant that grixis control is a teir one deck.
After three months of aether revolt fmn's jamming grixis control every time I feel strongly that grixis control is a teir one deck and ahmonket has brought us some other great tools. The advantages that grixis control has is that it has very favorable matches against both the creature heavy midrange decks in the form of gb constrictor and any new rg creature based decks out of ahmonket, it also has favorable match ups in the control mirror specifically jeskai copycat. Your worst match ups are zombies and mardu vehicles, which fortunately should get a little better because of ahmonket. You have relatively even match ups in 4c saheeli and marvelworks. The highlight cards from ahmonket that will make grixis control shine is the access to scarab feast for graveyard hate against torrential gearhulk and scrapheap scrounger, pull from tomorrow is a great new draw spell, two different cycle lands for UB and RB, and cut/ribbons even has pottential as a decent removal spell and then late game be a huge life drain.
Transgress the Mind: Just a great quality card, the exile is extremely relevant as well. Best against marvel, control and delerium.
Negate: Negate is great sideboard tech, it helps win the control counterspell fight and it can be brought in against planeswalkers to remove them for cheap.
Summary Dismissal: Summary Dismissal catches the cast triggers from marvelworks decks so you dont have to two for one yourself and it can be brought in if more counterspells are needed in any match.
Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet: This card is an all around all star its work in modern alone in removal heavy decks should give an idea of its power, in addition kalitas exiles scroungers and cards from zombies to help in those match ups and the incidental life gain is always nice.
Yahenni's Expertise: Extra board wipe to help you recover and stabilize in the lategame, the three damage is necessary to kill off amalgams and being able to cast Liliana, tower or even an anticipate is great bonus.
Scarab Feast: The much needed graveyard hate that standard gets, the cycling make this card incredible and you can exile things to turn off delerium, remove scroungers and almagams and remove gearhulk targets.
Incendiary Flow: The biggest weaknes off control in standard right now is recurring threats and incideary flow is a necessary evil, it cant be targeted by gearhulk but in creature heavy match ups your happy to kill anything and your very happy to be able to exile it. One plus note is that flow can go face to kill of a low health planeswalker or just kill your opponent.
By Force: By force gets slighter better than release the gremlins because against colossal storm and a resolves whirler virtuosos you wont be so mana constrained and you'll be able to blow up many artifacts or use it for only two mana to blow up a marvel.
Match Ups: