Updates to the deck have been made for BotG.
Smaller version of GR Monsters, sacrificing late-game power for a better mid-game and consistency. Less likely to suffer from the bad top decks and stalls that normal GR Monsters can suffer from, this deck utilizes several synergies to create an dominating board position moving as early as turn two. Sure, you're not dropping a five-drop every turn after four, but you're dropping consistent threats that have to be answered or have the chance to blow the game wide open.
The usual card choices:Elvish Mystic, Domri Rade, Polukranos, Stormbreath Dragon, Xenagos, the God and Reveler, Rampager and the rest. You know all these, though probably not in the number you're used to seeing them. Don't think I need to explain how a turn one Elf into a turn two Domri or Courser is insane. I'll talk about the weirder choices instead.
The Oddballs:Wasteland Viper. An additional one-drop for turn one that turns into a removal spell with Domri or Blood, or turns a creature of mine into a deathtouched attacker. Particularly nasty with trample thrown into the mix.
Burning-Tree Emissary. Not really seen in most Monster decks, she's amazing in my smaller version as an additional drop along with whatever else you planned on playing. She activates both Nylea and Xenagos, is a free blocker for a second turn Domri, and still a bear that swings for at least two.
Boon Satyr/Fanatic of Xenagos. Both are playable turn two, either as a Trampling Smiter or a flash-in at the end. Two good bodies that get insane with Xenagod, bloodrush, and other tricks this deck lets you accomplish.
Nylea, God of the Hunt. She's an indesctructable enchantment that grants your creatures trample, let's you pump your creatures, and often swings for 6 herself. Yes, please.
Now for the non-creature spells:Signal the Clans. I get it, it's not a creature, and while it lets you seach for a creature, it isn't a perfect tutor. Thing is, it's a low cost instant(!) that lets you search for a suitable creature at all points of the game. Need a mana creature or small threat in the early turns? Burning-Tree into Signal looking for an elf, a Courser, or a Fanatic. Need a late game finisher? Search up a Xenagod, Stormbreath, or Nylea. My favorrite is tutoring up a Bloodrusher or Boon Satyr after combat has been declared. It's good at (almost) all points of the game, and it gives you, while not something you need, something you can USE when you need it. That's why I give it two slots.
Armed and Dangerous. I'm shocked, SHOCKED, at the fact that no one plays this card. I get that it's a 2-for-1 when they kill your dude, but so is Blood, and this can be so much more ridiculous. Let's take something as simple as a 2/2 and arm it. Now it's a 3/3 swinging for 6. If Xenagod is out, double it and now it's a 6/6 swinging for 12. Bloodrush with a Rampager while it's attacking, and now it's 10/10 tramping for 20 damage. Dangerous also works as a distractor, or as a form of removal against things they don't want blocking. Making opponents block my 14/14 doublestriking Nylea with all of their creatures is a total joy, and one of the many possible things you can cause to happen.
This deck is the latest iteration of GR that I've been playing since Gatecrash, when I first started. It's no haymaker after haymaker like Monsters is, but this deck works with itself to drop consistent threats while giving you the chance to seriously penalize opponents who fail to answer. Hope you guys enjoy it.
+1s, questions, comments, critiques are all appreciated and encouraged. I'm always looking to improve the deck, so don't be shy