I found that Gruul is consistently faster than Naya because of it's land base. Both decks have plenty of ramp, but land is an issue for Naya. Here our ramp comes from Drover of the Mighty, Ranging Raptors, Otepec Huntmaster, and Commune with Dinosaurs. These cards let you play cards turns early that give you a lead.
deathgorge scavanger
is an amazing card to have a playset of. The ammount of graveyard hate and sustainability this card presents only adds to your early game power. When late game comes around Rampaging Ferocidon is an amazing card to get out. It forces your opponent to damage themselves while responding to your board, It's "Players can't gain life" text denies them sustain, and it's menace causes real problems for their board. Top this off with your larger Dinos like Regisaur Alpha and Ripjaw Raptor and you have a very solid deck.
The Nitty Girtty
Dinosaurs appear under powered in the meta right now. A majority of the issue is due to energy decks' ability to get too big for other decks to handle. This deck doesn't suffer from this issue as much. Your board gets big enough that even Temur has to think twice about what to play, and what to swing. Your major creatures are your Deathgorge Scavenger, Ripjaw Raptor, Regisaur Alpha and Carnage Tyrant. The smaller creatures in your deck are there mostly to help you cast these creatures earlier.
The non-creature spells in this deck are pretty straight forward. Pounce is preferred over Savage Stomp mainly because it's an instant. Stomp has the advantage of being cheaper on Dinosaurs, and making the creature bigger. However, because you can't cast it at a surprising and/or inconvenient moment, it loses it's value as removal. If you have red in your deck, you should be running Abrade It's as simple as that. Three damage kills a majority of creatures in this meta, and artifact removal is very good especially when cards like God-Pharaoh's Gift are seeing play. Commune with Dinosaurs is wonderful. It can fix you on land, or it can assure that you have a scary dino to play in the coming turns.
Drover of the Mighty is scarier than most people admit. If you play it turn two, then a Ranging Raptors or Deathgorge Scavenger turn three, you can swing for 3 next turn, and have a blocker. Or you can tap it for mana and put out a Ripjaw Raptor on turn three. Deathgorge Scavenger is easily one of--if not the--best card from ixalan. It's ability to heal you, or become a big attacker, all while supporting graveyard hate means it's pretty valuable. 4 of them means that just when your opponent finally gets rid of one, another comes out. Ranging Raptors is a great blocker. It really makes your opponent hesitate to swing because it's fairly meaty, and swinging into it means you get land advantage. Regisaur Alpha is amazing. If you have an Otepec Huntmaster out you can tap him giving the regisaur haste, and swing for seven. Speaking of Otepec Huntmaster he is better than Kinjalli's Caller in every way except cost. Khenra Charioteer isn't a dinosaur. So why is it in here? Trample. That's why. He doesn't benefit from all the dinosaur synergies, but giving all of your creatures trample will make your opponent sweat. That leaves us with everybody's favorite under performing dinosaur Carnage Tyrant. Everyone sees him coming, that's why he doesn't do good. Why? Because people save their spells to deal with him, they save their big creatures or board wipes just to deal with your tyrant. In the mean time you have all your other scary dinosaurs out and they're struggling to keep your board in check. All because they're waiting for mister Carnage Tyrant. I can't tell you how many games I've won because my opponent was holding back a board wipe for my Tyrant. It's wonderful.
Pretty basic land set up. Rootbound Crag isn't amazingly cheap but it's ability to come in untapped makes it an asset. Unclaimed Territory is essential here. Drop it and declare dinosaurs and you're set. The Field of Ruin may seem like an odd choice. Two words; Aether Hub. This card is what makes temur and pretty much any other energy deck tick (other than Attune with Aether of course). It gives them mana fixing for one energy. Destroying an Aether Hub early isn't a huge setback, but it slows their deck down.
More Abrades are a no duh. Having trouble keeping the board clear early? Use em'. Blossoming Defense is an amazing card to sub in for two Commune with Dinosaurs because you can use it defensively or offensively. For only one green mana at instant speed? Yes please. Heroic Intervention because board wipes do exist, and after one game with you your opponent may realize you don't have many Carnage Tyrants.Rampaging Ferocidon is an extremely undervalued card. You have to smart about when you play it, but it can change the game. It halts most decks in their tracks. Creatures damage you and your opponent upon entry, and no one can gain life. Ouch. That's how you stop vampires. That's how token decks die. Plus, it's menace makes it a pain in to deal with. Sub them in for the Khenra Charioteer or two Ranging Raptors depending on your match up. Another Regisaur Alpha just in case 3 doesn't work out, or you need a little more oomph. Shapers' Sanctuary is perfect against control. The card advantage it provides will make a control player scream in rage. Last but not least is Shock. It's here just in case you find that your opponent is playing too fast and too aggressive. Two damage is enough to stop most aggro creatures, so it can buy you the needed time to put out a regisaur and ripjaw or two.