Welcome to the extremely fast mana ramping deck where every turn is your turn, why wait around for opponents to make choices when you could play on their turn instead?
First things first, we need mana, and lots of it. Caryatids, Coursers, and Font of Fertilitys, Nykthos once we've got our devotion up high enough and of course the big man Kruphix himself. Once he hits the field its time to tap out every turn, float as much as you can, and build up your stockpiles for later. Your hydras will thank you when they enter as 20/20's and you search your entire deck for more things to beat down the opponent with.
Damage, lots of it! Hydras are here to help, with Hydra Broodmaster to close out games by generating tons of tokens that have tons of toughness. Genesis Hydra enters as large as we can get him and the bigger he gets the better your chances at pulling something else large from the deck. In case this still isn't enough Kruphix himself can come around and start smashing face, as well as the good old Sagu Mauler. Much death!
Running low on life? No worries! Horizon Chimera and Courser of Kruphix will fix you up giving you a little more sustainability while you prep for face smashing!
Tapping out? No problem! The Prophet will cover you! Untapping your land and creatures on your opponents turn and giving your creatures flash? Sounds like its just your second turn in disguise! Don't let them think they can win! float ALL the mana for Kruphix! Flash in all the defenders! Heck, flash in all the attackers! Once the Prophet joins the party everyone is invited to the field!
Draw Cards! Ramp Mana! Hit People! it doesn't get any better, so start being that guy that nobody wants to play against!