pie chart

Guilds Gonna Grind Ya

Commander / EDH Goodstuff



Jegantha Preventer (37)

Other (18)

WB (15)

Short List (12)

Ramp (5)

Wrath (2)

UB (27)

UR (19)

WU (16)

BR (14)

Land (13)

RG (20)

UG (20)

BG (16)

WG (15)

WR (12)

Non Guild (4)

Guild Good Stuff! A Niv Mizzet Reborn Control Deck!!

We play similarly to the Pioneer and Modern Bring to Light Niv Decks but out card advantaging 3 opponents is a lot more ambitious and harder than just one, so I've included the Saheeli Rai Felidar Guardian combo to help close out the game.

I better actually talk about my card choices Just to set out some basic rules I'm using to evaluate these cards: I'm just looking for good cards that fit this decks controlling/good stuff gameplan that happen to be guild colored.

This is an on going testing process.

Well unfortunately the companion mechanic change really nerfs the power of Jegantha, the Wellspring as a ramp spell. Paying 3 to tutor up a ramp spell is not really where we want to be because its just too slow. So the deck building restriction doesn't really seem to be worth it any more and we'd rather be able to play our sweet wraths like Supreme Verdict. I'm pretty sad about it because I really liked the flavor of the companion and the lines of play it involved, but aw well.

Dovin's Veto: This card is very good and playable in pretty much any deck that plays WU. Its an uncounterable negate for the same cmc, whats not to like? That aside, counterspells aren't at their best in our deck because most of the time our opponents will know we have one. The fact that this is uncounterable makes it worth though I think.

Supreme Verdict -- One of the reasons we're no longer playing Jegantha.This is an uncounterable wrath. This card is already great and it fits with our board control game plan.

Time Wipe -- More wraths are back now that we've opted out of playing Jegantha. This was a wrath that comes with the super sweet upside of allowing us to reuse Niv-mizzet's etb trigger!

Teferi, Time Raveler -- This has a very powerful static effect that protects so much of your stuff and shuts down so much of your opponents nonsense. Both of its abilities are relevant because we play so many sorceries (instant speed wraths!) and the downtick can let us reuse Niv-mizzet's etb trigger. The only thing against this is that its a planeswalker and planeswalker's are hard to protect in commander. Luckily our removal heavy gameplan helps us out with this.

Teferi, Hero of Dominaria: Big Teferi is an interesting one as big PWs for finishers don't usually work well in EDH without combo pieces like Doubling Season. However, I want to play the most powerful and efficient 3 mana planeswalkers I can, and Teferi, Hero of Dominaria kinda fits that because it untaps two lands at end step making it sorta like a 3 mana pw. With all our removal, in the late game we can go for the ultimate to close out the game by exiling a bunch of permanents and beating down.

Anguished Unmaking: This is a premier removal spell exiling any nonland permanent at instant speed for 3 mana and 3 life. I've chosen this over Utter End because of the mana cost difference. The 3 life isn't irrelevant but the 1 mana difference makes it worth it. Every turn matters in EDH and dealing with a threat a turn earlier can mean the difference between life and death.

Vindicate: Sorcery speed removal for anything. The flexibility is huge and the fact that this can hit lands like Gaea's Cradle or Cabal Coffers is huge. Teferi, Time Raveler can also make this instant speed which is a nice synergy.

Merciless Eviction: As a control deck this deck needs every decent wrath it can play. This one is especially good as its able to exile permanents of any chosen type. Even at 6 mana the flexibility is worth it and the difference between exiling and destroying is huge.

Despark: At first sight it might not look like much but 2 mana instant speed removal of any nonland permanent even with the restriction of being 4cmc or higher is really powerful. There are plenty of giant game warping permanents that this can get rid of in a jiffy and give you a huge mana advantage in the exchange (I'm thinking of stuff like Zendikar Resurgent, Akroma's Memorial, eldrazi like Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre, and even Darksteel Forge).

Kaya's Guile: I originally added this because I had to take out Ashiok, Dream Render to play Jegantha, the Wellspring and I wanted a graveyard hate effect, but I've been so impressed with it that I'm keeping it in along with Ashiok. One of the most important modes is its ability to exile graveyards at instant speed. Graveyard hate is just so important in EDH and there is upside to playing Kaya's Guile because I can search it up with Bring to Light and recast it with Kess, Dissident Mage. Kaya's Guile is also the only sacrifice effect in the deck which is great to have access to.

Deafening Clarion: This card is awesome. We need wraths to keep up and the lifegain is great upside. There are lots of decks in edh that rely on little dorks etc and even though this gets rid of some of ours like Bloom Tender we are ok with making this trade because we have access to so much card advantage in the late game because of our commander.

Nahiri, the Harbinger: This is an efficient powerful planeswalker. Its downtick is sweet as it can get rid of all kinds of stuff for good. Its rummage effect is fine as it can help us find lands (which we always seem to run short of--if only Niv could hit lands lol) and its high loyalty means Nahiri has an easier time surviving even in a format like EDH where PWs have it rough because they have to face three combat steps every turn cycle. Nahiri is also just fine used as a two-for-one by downticking it twice. Nahiri's ultimate rarely comes up.

Solar Blaze: This isn't the most powerful wrath as it sometimes wont deal with problematic creature with high toughness. We desperately needed this when we couldn't play Supreme Verdict because of Jegantha, the Wellspring, but even without Jegantha I going to keep it in for now. Wraths are pretty great in this deck. Solar Blaze does have some upside though! Our dorks Birds of Paradise and Noble Hierarch survive it as well as Kess, Dissident Mage.

Wear / Tear: This is an efficient two-for-one removal spell that works at instant speed and is cheap and easy to cast.

Eladamri's Call: An efficient powerful tutor. We can search up Knight of Autumn to deal with problematic artifacts or enchantments, ramp creatures like Bloom Tender and Faeburrow Elder, as well as other silver bullets. Eladamri's Call changes with your card choices. Currently, we can also search up Hostage Taker for removal Great card.

Faeburrow Elder: This card is fantastic. Its a Bloom Tender that we can hit off Niv. This deck is super mana hungry.

Knight of Autumn: I've already mentioned this card when discussing Eladamri's Call because its an excellent tutor target as a reclamation sage we can hit off Niv. Having a body to protect your walkers and being a removal spell makes this great.

Mirari's Wake: More Mana!! We love mana and a mana doubler we can get off Niv is just peachy. It can be a little tricky using this because it doubles the mana of the same color and as we don't play any double mana cost symbols it means that when we tap mana to cast spells we often will find ourselves tapping out completely to cast multiple spells so we don't let the extra mana go to waste. This is ok though because we often act as a tap out control deck. Niv reveals all our cards to our opponents so there's not much point in hiding stuff and definitely makes counterspells worse.

Reborn Hope: This is essentially a regrowth in our deck. There are plenty of situations were we need to answer specific type of permanents twice and there might be only be one spell in our deck able to do it, so whether it's getting back a wrath or a finisher, Reborn Hope is awesome flexible recursion.

Baleful Strix: This card is great. It cycles and protects our planeswalkers with its deathtouch flying body making it a potential three-for-one!

Hostage Taker: This card has been in and out of the deck. Currently its in! Removal on a body is deece, and stealing a sol ring or mana crypt is good value. Soulherder resets it and having a creature removal tutor target for Eladamri's Call is important.

Lim-Dul's Vault: I'm not entirely sure about this card as it is card disadvantage and I haven't actually cast it very much but it seems like it can help dig to our Saheeli Rai Felidar Guardian Combo and set up awesome Niv etb triggers. The fact that its cheap and at instant speed makes it good enough despite the lifeloss to help find the card we need at any particular time.

Dack Fayden: This planeswalker is awesome. It can come down and steel mana artifacts or big problematic ones. Its uptick is good too because we can loot through our deck finding the answers we need and filling our graveyard for Kess, Dissident Mage and our escape cards like Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath. I haven't had its ultimate come up yet, and I don't think its very relevant because most of our spells that target are removal.

Saheeli Rai: Our combo piece with Felidar Guardian that works great with our etb theme and can make a copy of Niv for another trigger.

Bring to Light: This is like the best card in the deck! It can search up pretty much anything we need to answer pretty much any situation. It's too bad it can't get planeswalkers but it's still totally awesome.

Ice-Fang Coatl: This card is the reason we play snow basic lands. Having an instant speed Baleful Strix is worth it. It likely wont have deathtouch till later in the game but it still cycles and can block to protect early pws. It replaced Coiling Oracle because it has a more consistent upside of getting deathtouch than occasionally ramping us one land.

Growth Spiral: Instant speed Explore is great. We need to all the ramp we can get to keep up with the rest of the table.

card: Oko, Chief of Crowns: Broko is as busted as ever. A repeatable beast within that can protect itself and gain you life is just great. We love these efficient planeswalkers.

Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath: This card is amazing. It's so perfect for our deck and gameplan. It ramps us, gains us life, can be brought back repeatedly in the late game. Oh god I love it. We often are discarding cards to hand size because Niv draws us so many so Uro is a great way to put those to use.

Dreadbore: We are playing this over Bedevil because the difference of 1 mana despite being sorcery speed is pretty huge. With Teferi, Time Raveler we can make it instant speed which of course is nice but because we are a bit of a tap out control deck just being able to efficiently deal with a commander or other big threat on your turn is excellent.

Kroxa, Titan of Death's Hunger: Kroxa is in here as a sweet value card. As with Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath we can play this early on to put some pressure on our opponents hands and disrupt their gameplan a little bit and later on bring him back as a big threat to help close out a game. We fill our graveyard easily with all the cards we draw and removal spells we cast and don't be afraid to exile some of those cards to be proactive and get Kroxa on the battlefield. I could see cutting this card as its not absolutely necessary to the combo/stay alive plan but so far its been worth it for me.

Last One Standing: A pseudo wrath is still good enough in our deck. We play this over things like Fire Covenant because the life loss from cards like that is very relevant. Because everyone can see all the sweet stuff we draw we are often perceived as a big threat and are under constant pressure from creatures so we do want to protect our life total as best as we can. Last One Standing's downside is reduced if there are more creatures in play but at three mana even hitting 2 of 3 creatures can be worth it despite its randomness. Using this card in tandem with another removal spell to pick off the surviving creature is a good line of play.

Terminate: A straight up unconditional instant speed creature removal spell is just what we want for this deck from our friends in the Rakdos guild.

Assassin's Trophy: An instant speed way to deal with any permanent on the battlefield is fantastic even at the cost of ramping our opponents is totally worth it. The Golgari offer lots of effects similar to this, but Assassin's Trophy is probably the best of the bunch. We play this over Maelstrom Pulse because its instant speed and can deal with problematic lands. Currently, I'm not playing Abrupt Decay because I am often playing this deck in slower metas with bigger problematic permanents. I think if you're playing in a faster more competitive meta you should play Abrupt Decay alongside Trophy and Abrupt Decay is definitely on my shortlist for the deck and maybe I even should be playing it. For now though I'm just sticking with our dear friend Ass Trophy.

Deathrite Shaman: There are very few guild colored one-drops and Deathrite Shaman is a pretty dang good one. We play a lot of fetch-lands to do our best to turn this into a mana dork as often as possible, but Deathrite definitely gets better at higher budget tables where people run lots of fetch lands. Because of our guild theme most of our guild colored cards start at 2-mana which means our curve is generally higher than we would like so we definitely want every one drop we can get to keep our deck relevant in the early turns and efficient.

Abrupt Decay: Great card! Un-counterable removal for a ton of stuff (especially good in more competitive metas where avg cmc is much lower).

Pernicious Deed: Pernicious Deed is such a good card for our deck. It can clean up the entire board when we need and it doesn't hit our planeswalkers!! We can play it and pass the turn while keeping mana up to activate it which can force our opponents to not play most non-land permanents on their turns. We love this card and will sometimes find ourselves either digging for it or bringing it back with Reborn Hope to wrath the board of enchantments and artifacts a second time in a single game. It's so much value for one card.

Decimate: This card can be such a huge blowout as a 4-for-1. While it does require targets for each card type, it's just such an efficient powerful play and really helps us keep pace with the rest of the table. The land destruction is particularly relevant as we don't have many of those effects in our deck and cards like Gaea's Cradle and Cabal Coffers is a common way for an opponent to get way far ahead.

Klothys, God of Destiny: Klothys is a new one but he seems excellent in our deck. He can sit on the table and grind us out value slow and steady with its life gain, graveyard hate and potential ramp. Overall, he seems like a great inclusion and the best god we could play. As a side note, I used to play a couple different gods in this deck, Kruphix, God of Horizons and Keranos, God of Storms, as they survived my wraths and good slowly get me value. Unfortunately, at 5 cmc they were just too slow and didn't do enough. Taking turn 4 or 5 off to do play a do-nothing is pretty bad thats why I like my higher cmc cards to have immediate effects on the board so we can keep pace with our opponents. card: Klothys, God of Storms comes down early enough that I think he's worth it.

Hull Breach: An efficient 2-for-1. Love it despite being sorcery speed.

Wrenn and Six: is just a great card. We are always looking for land drops in our deck and Wrenn gets us back our fetchlands. I've never actually gotten to ultimate him, but the threat of the ultimate is definitely real and forces our opponents to do something about it. Sadly you do kinda have to keep Wrenn and Six around if you plan on embleming because we don't actually have any other ways to get lands back from our graveyard.

More Soon!!

For those interested, here are the scryfall search terms to find guild colored cards you can use with Jegantha: f:commander -mana:cc -mana:xx -mana:ss -mana:ww -mana:uu -mana:bb -mana:rr -mana:gg -mana:{b/r}{b/r} -mana:{r/g}{r/g} -mana:{u/r}{u/r} -mana:{b/g}{b/g} -mana:{u/b}{u/b} -mana:{w/b}{w/b} -mana:{w/u}{w/u} -mana:{r/w}{r/w} -mana:{g/w}{g/w} -mana:{g/u}{g/u} -mana:{2/w}{2/w} -mana:{2/u}{2/u} -mana:{2/b}{2/b} -mana:{2/r}{2/r} -mana:{2/g}{2/g} -mana:{w/p}{w/p} -mana:{u/p}{u/p} -mana:{b/p}{b/p} -mana:{r/p}{r/p} -mana:{g/p}{g/p} and (c=wu or c=wb or c=wr or c=wg or c=ub or c=ur or c=ug or c=br or c=bg or c=rg)

Note: Defaulted to sorted by guilds

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Sad times. Companion mechanic was changed and I don't think paying 3 at sorcery speed to search up a 5 mana ramp spell is worth it over playing efficient wraths and other sweet spells. So out goes Jegantha, the Wellspring. I bought the foil promo too goddangit.


Date added 5 years
Last updated 3 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

15 - 0 Mythic Rares

59 - 0 Rares

12 - 0 Uncommons

7 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.68
Tokens Copy Clone, Elk 3/3 G, Emblem Dack Fayden, Emblem Teferi, Hero of Dominaria, Emblem Tibalt, Cosmic Impostor, Emblem Wrenn and Six, Food, Spirit 1/1 C, Spirit 1/1 WB
Folders gotta pimp em all, EDH Inspiration, Built
Ignored suggestions
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