I'm seriously considering switching out Typhoid Rats for Sewer Rats, the ceiling is WAY higher for the Sewer Rats, as long as you have life it's usually a good play to pay if you've got spare mana (when you draw it , so that's a really good sign on a 1 drop. AFAIK if you're paying life to trade up on Sewer Rats when you've drawn poorly sounds amazing (you save life over time because their creature is dead), and if they don't have a blocker you can just pump it up to +3/+0 for only BBB, I'm a little shocked this wasn't seeing niche play somewhere as a seriously pushed 1 drop, I'm guessing the issue is Mono Black Aggro isn't really a Legacy deck? Anyways, Typhoid Rats is never better than a 1/1, meaning it's an awful clock if I draw it later, when you get down to it it's almost never worth attacking with Typhoid Rats because they're designed to be blockers, them not having Defender is mostly moot since nobody will bother to block them unless they're about to die, making it a terrible card later game, especially if people have evasion of some sort. The only ceiling is using Typhoid as a dedicated blocker from turn 1 on, followed with a Pack Rat, at which point I can just pump all my mana into new Pack Rats if I didn't draw great. meanwhile if I play Sewer Rats turn 1 followed by a Pack Rat I either make a Pack Rat or buff my Sewer Rats, depending on which is better, which sounds pretty sweet IMHO, if I need to buff my Pack Rat to survive combat I make a new Pack Rat, and if I need Sewer Rat to trade up I can achieve that, 4 power can kill a lot of creatures. I feel like it's a straight upgrade, and Ogre Slumlord means I'd rather have it, Piper and a Sewer Rat out, so if they want to block that Rat they're going to lose 2 creatures, and if they don't I can hit them for 4 with my 1 drop!