
Land (1)

This deck is a cited commitment to a challenge from kamarupa.

My choice of construction is a Sans-Red () build to capitalize on the most Horror creatures as possible.

Ultimately, the best candidate for the challenge is Atraxa, Praetors' Voice.

"..Build a Horror (typal) deck. at least 25% of the deck must be creatures. Only include creatures that have the Horror type.,"

With this rule in mind, I've recently taken to creating EDH decks that follow almost these exact parameters. I'll take the challenge as literally as I can, and try to align some serious synergy.. but first, I have to align at least this first part as an EDH deck. Because how else would you reliably represent the chosen creature type?

So many decks online are using Captain N'gathrod and I would prefer to use something more peculiar and unique.

At the same time, I wonder if anyone has looked at Atraxa, Praetors' Voice as a Horror Typal Commander?

In the same vein, what about Old Stickfingers? There's a ton of possibilities. Narrowing that down will take a sincere focus. Whose gonna make the cut?

Time to get Horrible!

I feel like you have to make a crummy joke something something Ancient Cellarspawn oh I've got it! Linkin Park CRAWWWWWWLING IN NNNNN MY SKINNNNNNNN- okay now that we've gotten that out of our collective systems.

"..You may choose the format. For added fun, I think Balaam__ and I should act as 'judges' and give your brew a score on a 1-10 scale..."

Oh, I've already mentioned this part. Still worth mentioning that it seems like these two individuals have a heavy influence on the site. These deck building challenges are amazing and I love having any opportunity to participate.

The deck has to function within the confines of rules set out prior to construction began, and the challenge is more or less an opportunity to present a labor of love for the aforementioned and Balaam__ as judges to the end results.

There's going to be so much to discuss here and I'm thrilled that I accepted the challenge. I'm going to take the chance while building this to really try and think about what I need in order to succeed.

Otherwise, I'll see at least two of you in the comments giving me my report card. Everyone else is welcome to chime in, too.


Updates Add

Small changes after kamarupa and Balaam__ weighed in on the construction of the deck, most notably that I needed to include a bit more ramp. So to make up for that, we removed exactly 4 creatures (do not ask me to remember which ones because they were inconsequential) and replaced them with reputable lands like Ancient Ziggurat and Secluded Courtyard. Also added Rampant Growth, so.. I mean it'll come together. I'm not that worried! I give myself a B+ on overall assignment. High-Five!


91% Casual


Revision 2 See all

(4 days ago)

+1 Ancient Ziggurat main
+1 Rampant Growth main
+1 Secluded Courtyard main
+1 Unclaimed Territory main
Date added 6 days
Last updated 4 days
Exclude colors WUBGC

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

13 - 0 Mythic Rares

40 - 0 Rares

18 - 0 Uncommons

23 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.94
Tokens Copy Clone, Horror, Phyrexian Mite 1/1 C
Folders Commander/EDH
Ignored suggestions
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